Chapter 25

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Since that night, I didn't necessarily delete my Facebook, I just stopped using it. I haven't really been talking to anyone either, not even my best friend, Paige.


School was ending in a couple months. We were taking a field trip to Troy High School to go and walk around. I've been there so many times, I knew the school inside out. Besides, I did not want to see Andrew. I've been avoiding him since that one night. I have been isolating myself since.

I sat alone on the bus. When we got in the cafeteria, I slipped away from the rest of the group.

I made sure nobody saw me.

Just then, the bell rang and the halls were flooded with high schoolers. Now I could see why my entire grade was still sitting in the cafeteria.

I started walking down the hallway, trying to look away.

I was in the sophomore hallway, where all the sophomores had their lockers.

I noticed a group of guys at a locker. I looked one of the boys in the eye, and I regretted it instantly. I started to walk away. The hall also started to clear up as people got to class but those guys just stood there. The guy threw his football and it hit my lower back. I turned around, but I didn't say anything. They were all laughing.

I tried to run but the guy called out to me, "wait, I'm sorry."

I stopped and let him catch up to me.

He touched my shoulder. "I'm really, really sorry." he said. Then he gave me a hug and I naturally hugged him back.

Just then, he grabbed me really hard.

"Come on 8th grader, kiss me." he said, "kiss me."

He kept trying to kiss me but I was trying to back away. I have a boyfriend and I wasn't going to cheat on him, even though I completely hate him. But, if Andrew found out, our sex tape would be out for sure.

I hated being harassed like this. That guys group of friends kept on laughing as he tried to kiss me. I felt so helpless, so weak. I fell to the ground.

"Leave her alone." I heard a familiar voice, "that's my girlfriend."

Oh no, there's Andrew.

I wanted to die.

As Andrew started to talk to the guy, I got up and ran away. I ran far away from them and I hid in the girls bathroom.


It was about a month before school ended.

"Hey, Monica, we haven't talked in so long." said Morgan.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"Why?" she asked.

I wanted to tell someone so badly about what happened between Andrew and I, but I couldn't.

"I don't know." I said, and I got up and walked away.


Later that day, I got called down to the counseling office.

I had an anxiety attack as I walked down the hall to the office.

"Hi Monica." said Mrs. Lee, my counselor.

"Hi." I said shyly, trying not to look at her.

"Come on in my office, I've been expecting you." she sounded really calm.

I went inside and she shut the door.

"Alright, Monica. I've heard that you have been having some problems. And I want to help." she said.

Did she know about what happened with Andrew?

"Um, what problems?" I asked, I quickly glanced at her but then I looked down right away. I noticed that she had really cute shoes.

"Your grades." She said, and I felt relieved. "They have been dropping."

I didn't say anything.

"This has been a problem, and I have a feeling I know why." she said again.

I didn't answer again.

"Is there a boy?" she asked.

"Yes, well, no, kinda." I said.

"Do you want to talk about him? Tell me who he is?" she asked.

"No." I said.

"Ok, well can you tell me at least how often you talk? Is he distracting you from your schoolwork?" she asked.

"I haven't talked to him in months. I've stopped using all social networking." I said.

She wrote some things on her clipboard.

"Ok, well just a few months ago, you had all A's and B's. And since you've stopped talking to this boy, your grades have been C's, D's, and even an F."

I didn't say anything, once again.

"Did something happen between you two that made you stop talking? That might be it. You are probably depressed from whatever happened between you two that you've just stopped talking to people and you've stopped caring about your schoolwork."

I didn't want to say anything because she was right. It was because Andrew raped me that I've stopped caring about anything in the world.

Even though I wasn't answering her, she continued to talk.

"I have had some of your friends come down here and tell me that they're worried you are suicidal." she said, "is that true?"

"No." I said.

"Ok, well my best advice for you is to face up to your problem and stopped trying to run away or hide."

I got up. This was over.

"If you need any help, please come and talk to me."

"I will, Mrs. Lee," I said. I felt as if I should tell her about the rape, but I didn't want the school getting involved with that. I smiled then left the office.

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