Chapter 5

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After school, I logged into Facebook and waited for Andrew to message me. I waited about 20 minutes when he finally said

Andrew: Hey.

Monica: Hey.

Andrew: What's up?

Monica: A little upset, what about you?

Andrew: Me too. :/ What's wrong?

Monica: I talked to Marcus today, he said he doesn't like me. :(

Andrew: Forget him, he's not worth it.

Monica: You're right, he's just a video game loser anyways, what's wrong with you?

Andrew: Mariam and I got into another fight... :/ We're not talking at the moment.

Monica: Aww, sorry to hear. :/

Andrew: Yeah, but it's ok, at least I have you to talk to! :)

Monica: :)

I then started to think about Steve. I liked him a little bit, but I highly doubt he would ever ask me out. Me and him actually were friends, we talked and joked around with each other.

Andrew and I talked for a little while longer, up until it was time for me to go to sleep.

The Boy I Met OnlineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang