Chapter 21

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The next day at school, I had lots of people asking me about the change in my relationship status.

All my friends at lunch asked so many questions about Andrew, they didn't know him, but they said they were really happy for me.

Even Steve asked about Andrew. He seemed a little bummed when I told him how it happened, I of course left the part out where I haven't met him in person yet.

After school, I heard a knock at my window. I opened it to see Jonesy and Timmy.

"What do you guys want?" I asked.

"Let's hang out." said Timmy.

"Um, ok." I said.

I went outside and we walked around the neighborhood talking.

"I see you changed your relationship status." Jonesy blurted out.

"Yeah, Andrew King is my boyfriend now." I replied.

"I told you not to talk to him." he said.

"I think you're just jealous."

"I'm not jealous."

"Jonesy, you'll find love one day."

"Monica, no, you haven't even met this guy, and in person, he looks like a horse."

"Whatever." I turned around and started walking home.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" he yelled out.

I didn't know what his problem was, Andrew was the most perfect guy ever.

When I got home, I logged onto Facebook.

There was a message from Jill.

Jill: So, what about Steve? You're just over him and now you have a new boyfriend?

Monica: Oh my god, stop obsessing over Steve, lol, we are over with, done, I don't care.

Jill: You do realize your new high school boyfriend is just using you , right?

Monica: Really? What for?

Jill: Sex, obviously, that's what every guy in high school wants.

Monica: Lol whatever.

After that, I just ignored her, and I talked to Andrew.

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