

I woke up the next day with Claire in my arms. I slowly pushed her away and she sat up, stretching

"I'm sorry, I move a lot in my sleep"

(a/n: Bitch is stoopid)

"It's fine"

"Before I go, you only love me as a friend?"

"Claire, I thought we're done talking about it"

"It's just, I still love you, Alessandro. I always loved you and I was so stupid for walking out of your life. I was upset with what you did and Emilio was there to comfort me. I thought he was going to make me happy but I realized that the only person who could truly make me happy was you... When Emilio started talking to you after a long time, I was happy because I thought that you still felt the same after all these years but I found out that you love someone else. Someone who could have been me. I ignored my feelings for you but when I finally acknowledged it, I was too late. I love you, Alessandro..." She cried and threw herself at me, surprising me with a kiss.

I pushed her away and heard a loud thud. I averted my eyes from her to the door.

There stands the girl I love, hurt and betrayal in her eyes.

"Scarlet, what are you doing here?"

"Peace gift for what happened but I guess it doesn't matter now" She pointed at the cupcakes on the floor and I stand up

"Please don't go anywhere. Let me explain what happened"

"You don't have to explain anything. We're not together anyway. You're free to do whatever the hell you want" She turned and left

"Claire, you better be gone by the time I get back"

I ran after Scarlett and thank God this woman is slow

"Go away, Alessandro. Go back to Claire" I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around

"I'm not going anywhere and you're not going any- Scarlett... don't cry, please" I frowned and hugged her

"Don't hug me"

"Scarlett... Claire was here because she had an argument with Emilio. She had nowhere else to go."

"You don't have to explain anything Alessandro"

"I do"


"Because I don't want to hurt the people I love and I love you"

"Yeah, and you love Claire too. Go back and kiss and comfort each other."

"She kissed me, Scarlett. I know that I told you I loved her but that was in the past. It was what we can call, young love. My love for you is beyond what you could imagine. Just, let me explain what happened"

"5 minutes"

"Let me shower first"


Minutes turned into hours and now, Scarlett and I are in the living room watching a movie.

"I should go home, it's getting late and you should rest too"

"What time is it?" I faced her and she grabbed her phone

"12:44 A.M."

"Stay over."

"I'm good."


"You know what I just realized? You weren't the type of guy who would say please. You would always get what you want. What happened?"

"You happened."

"You're funny."

"I'm not kidding Scarlett," I moved closer to her and grabbed her hand softly "You made me feel something that I thought I would never feel once more. I couldn't believe that a person like you would change me. I thought that I would stay as a guy who gives no shit about everyone or everything. As harsh as it may sound, I'm glad that your parents gave you to me. I love you Scarlett and when you had to leave, I was torn. I didn't know what to do since the girl that I love was going to leave me. I tried to think positive but you were gone for a long period of time and when you finally came back, I was still upset over the fact that you stopped talking to me or at least letting me know that you're still there. Then, I saw you in the coffee shop. I promised myself that when I see you again, I will never let you go because you are the reason why I'm happy. You are the reason why I chose to feel once again." As soon as I stopped talking, I looked at Scarlett and my eyes widened.

"I'm sorry. I got emotional" She mumbled and I laugh, wiping her tears away "I'm sorry for leaving you, Alessandro... You know that I had to leave. I need some time alone to get myself together and I'm truly sorry for making you feel vulnerable. What matters is that I'm here now and I won't be going anywhere. And if I do, you'll find me. When I almost got raped, when I got kidnapped and when I came back, you found me. You'll always find me, Alessandro. Always"

"Of course I will. I would never give up on us Scarlett" I mumble and moved closer to her. Only inches apart, I pressed my thumb softly against her cold cheek. I looked at her lips and then her eyes.

"Well, are you going to kiss me?"

I smiled, locking my lips with hers


Let me tell you guys a secret... They did it here

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