Book Two: 3

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


"Mr. Raniero, is it true that you're dating Ms. Danielle"


I think to myself as I'm walking to my building

"Mr. Raniero, is it true that you're quitting your position?"

Hell no

"Mr. Raniero, is it true that you're gay?"

What the fuck

I turn around and look at the man who asked


"Mr. Raniero, is it true that your father is taking back his position?"

I stop and glared at the man before walking inside my building.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Raniero, I forgot to inform you about the media," My assistant said and I shake my head looking at her

"Just get my coffee, Abigail" I walk to my office, passing by Scarlett's old office room. I sigh and sit down, not really knowing to do since I finished my work yesterday.

Why the fuck did I go to work then?

"Here's your coffee Mr. Raniero" Abigail places my coffee on top of the table and I nod at her

I look at the cup and furrow my eyebrows at the name

It's the coffee shop where Scarlett and I met...

I immediately grabbed my phone and dialed the coffee shop, asking for Scarlett's number.

I look at my post-it before calling her


It's been five minutes and she hasn't answered the phone.

She's probably busy or she doesn't want to talk to me...

I shake the thought out of my head and decide to do work while waiting

She wouldn't do that... I mean I'm one of the successful billionaires. Everyone would answer their phone immediately when they see the caller I.D... Well, maybe Scarlett would.



"Wish your son a happy birthday from me, Margaret! Have a great safe drive home!" I smile at my last customer and walk up front, turning the open sign to a closed sign. I pull the curtains and walk to the back of the bakeshop so I can grab my stuff and leave.

"Hey Scarlett, someone was calling you at least 4 times. Sorry I didn't tell you" My shop cleaner, James said and I chuckle

"It's alright James, plus I was working so I can't really answer my phone. Thank you for telling me, though. Lock the door on your way out?"

"Yes, I will. I'm actually waiting for Samantha so see tomorrow Scarlett" he waves goodbye and I wave in return before walking out of the shop

"Bye Sam" I wave at Samantha, who is throwing the garbage bag away

"Goodbye Scarlett. Be safe" she replied and I get in my car, driving home.


I plop on my bed and grab my phone, looking at the missed call.

huh, no name. 

I dial the number and wait for the person to pick up

After a few rings, someone finally picks up the phone

"Scarlett! You called" says a man and I pause thinking, before realizing it's Alessandro

"Oh hi Alessandro, how did you get my number" 

"I asked the coffee shop worker where we accidentally met if she can give me your number. Told you I'll find you... In a less creepy way though" 

"Of course. Well to what do I owe this pleasure?" I chuckle

"I was wondering if you want to grab a coffee with me tomorrow. Maybe talk about what happened to you" his voice hints a melancholy tone as he says the last sentence

"That's nice of you Alessandro. I ha-"

"I see, um well you don't really have to. It's just a suggestion. If you don't want to go then that's fine, I completely understand if you can't or if you don't want to. Maybe ne-"

"I'll see you at the same coffee shop. Meet you there at 4 PM" I smile, cutting him off

"Oh alright, I'll see you! I mean... okay cool. Goodbye" He immediately ended the call and I smile, shaking my head slowly


The Billionaire's Personal Assistant || EDITINGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें