Book Two: 15

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I wasn't planning on writing again, but I kept on getting notifications about the book. I'm surprised that most of you guys stuck around T-T.




I woke up sweating and looked at the time

4:07 AM

I scratched the back of my head and groaned, "I don't like Claire." 

These past few days, I've been having dreams about Alessandro and Claire. Perhaps it's just me, but I have a bad feeling about her. I feel like Alessandro still has hidden feelings for her, and I fear that he will end up leaving me for her. I mean, who am I kidding? She's so much better than me. She's pretty, smart, formal... Who wouldn't want to be like her? 

For the next few hours, I tried to go back to sleep, but the thought of Claire kept me up. 

I wonder what will happen...


For the next few days, I've been working and delivering pastries to customers. There are times where I would text Alessandro, and so far, I've been telling him that I was okay, but deep down, I'm still bothered by Claire.

I was making batter for cupcakes when I hear familiar voices.


I exit out of the kitchen, and I screamed. 

"Dan, Cris, Antonio! I haven't seen you guys in a while! How are you? Where's Nina?" I smiled and hugged them one by one. 

"Hey, Scarlett!" Antonio squeezed me hard, and I chuckled

"Antonio wants to be a fatass and buy pastries," Cris chuckled as he came to pat my head.

"I am not a fatass, okay. I am very muscular, and I just wanted to visit Scar," Antonio argued back. "But a cupcake or whole cake would be nice."

"Antonio. You are a fatass" Dan rolled his eyes after hugging me.

"Yeah. I have a FAT ass, but I am not a fatass, okay?" 

And there we have it, Dan and Antonio argued back and forth while Cris and I decided to sit down. 

"How have you been these past few days, Scar?" Cris smiled at me, and I looked outside, smiling a little bit

"I've been well," I looked at Cris and noticed him raise an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe not as well." 

"Is it about Alessandro?"

I nodded, "It just bothers me how Claire is back in the picture, and I feel like she's going to do something suspicious which will cause Alessandro to go back to her."

Cris placed his hand on top of mine and shook his head.

"Claire is a part of his past. She will always be a part of his life, just like you. However, you always have to remember that she was his past. You are a part of his future now."

Cris is right, I shouldn't be thinking about the whole Alessandro and Claire situation, but even though I know I shouldn't, I feel like I will continue to. I have to try not to.

"You're right, Cris. I'll keep that in mi-"

"Ow, you fucker! Cris! He pinched my man nipples," Antonio whined as he tries to push Dan away 

"Very muscular my ass!" Dan yelled while he continued to pinch him

"Guys. Stop it, or we're leaving" Cris stood up, and they both let out a huff before letting each other go

"Hey Scar... Can I have some cupcakes" Antonio smiled while walking towards me

"Fatass," Dan mumbled, and Antonio glared at him

I just nodded and went to the back.



These past few days have been hectic for the business and me as well. I've been going to meetings, and I noticed that some of our partners are leaving, which I don't understand. 

I slammed my hands into the table in frustration when someone knocked on my door.

"Mr. Raniero, the Black Company, suggested a formal gala as a way to ensure that the current partners don't leave."  

I nodded and sighed, "That might be very helpful. Research some items that we can give to them as a gift."

"What is the price range, sir?"

I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "However much we have to spend. So long as they don't leave."

I got up and grabbed my phone, "I'm going out."

I walked out and smiled at the thought of seeing Scarlett. I haven't seen her in awhile. I wonder how she's doing. 

Can I visit?

I waited for a response as I got inside my car.

I'm at work, but okay.

I'll see you there then.


I pulled up to Scarlett's work with a grin on my face. When I walked in, I see Dan, Antonio, and Cris

"Hey, Alessandro!" Antonio grinned while stuffing a cupcake in his mouth.


"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as I sit on one of the chairs

"Antonio wants to be a fatass and get pastries," Dan said before taking a bite of his cake.

"Shut up. You're eating too, and that's not true!" Antonio argued back

"We wanted to check up on Scar," Cris said while sipping his coffee.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Hey Alessandro," Scarlett gave me a slight smile and sat down next to me.

"Hey. Are you off soon?" I asked as I grabbed her hand softly

"I actually clocked out thirty minutes ago," She replied and moved my hand away from her. 

Did I do something wrong?

"Oh... How long have you guys have been here?" I asked

"Like two hours because Antonio won't stop eating" Dan rolled his eyes, and Antonio smacked his head


I looked at Scarlett, "Is something wrong?"

"No. I'm just tired" She sighed and looked away from me. 

Is this about Claire?

"Oh... Well, there's a formal gala next week. You're all invited," I announced, trying to change the subject.

"What for?" Cris asked

"Our business partners are threatening to leave in which I don't understand, so the Black company suggested a formal gala."

"You think Emilio might have something to do about it?" Cris asked, and I crossed my arms

"Perhaps, but I'm not worried about him right now. I'm more worried about the company," I looked at Scarlett and tried to hold her hand again. Thankfully she accepted it and looked at me. "Will you come?"

"Oh. Sure. I can" 

"We should look for a dress that you can wear."

"I can just buy my own" 

"I would love to buy you a dress, Scarlett. Please" I squeezed her hand softly, and she sighed before giving me a nod.

Whatever I did, I hope she forgives me


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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