I'm Living With My Best Friends Brother. Yay? Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

"I know I'm sorry. I just feel like I should be the one doing the looking out." he replied and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and placed his other hand on my stomach.

"Well I like the way you guys are fussing over me, but I'm pregnant. I'm not dying like you told Ally and I can look after myself. So just take it easy, you're stressing yourself out." I said.

"If I stop fussing will you make her stop fussing and give the key back?" He pouted, god he's cute. He still gives me fluttery feelings.

"No she can keep the key. But I'll tell her only to use it for emergencies. From now on she has to knock first. Okay?"


So we kissed, which turned in to a make out session which was continuing to turn hot until Ally opened the door, with out knocking. "Allysia, your brother is a boy. I'm sure you know better then just to walk in on him right?" I laughed when she screamed with disgust and slammed the door as she exited. Matt laughed.

I'm now ten weeks and it's time for my next ultrasound which Matt has yet again taken the day off work for. He holds m hand and then looks on in awe. He finds the fact that I am pregnant amazing, it's quite amusing. Lately he's been reading stories to my belly. I think its cute.

"You see here we have your babies legs, and the arms there. I'd say that he or she is developing right on schedule." the same lady who scanned my stomach last time reported.

"Oh fantastic." I grinned. "Can you tell us when we'll be able to find out the sex?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me.

"I'd say at the next scan, when you're eighteen weeks." She replied and again handed me a tissue so I could clean up. I did some counting and came to the conclusion that I'd be four months pregnant then.

"Thank you very much." I smiled and Matt thanked her as well and helped me up.

"Eight more weeks and then we'll know!" Matt grinned excitedly.

Three months pregnant

"Anna come here for a second." Matt called from the kitchen. I was still in bed. I was rubbing my tummy. I now have a fully fledged bump. And I think it's fantastic.

"What's up?" I called back and I pulled myself out of the warm comforting bed.

"Come here and I'll tell you." he replied.

"Fine. I'm here now so what's the big deal?" I asked.

"I have to go away for a few days." he said. He didn't seem very happy about it. But this wasn't a big surprise he had mentioned the possibility of it a few times.

"That's not a big deal Matt I can look after myself. Besides Ally lives right around the corner." I said.

"Ok, fine as long as you think you'll be fine. I've taken a week off after that so we could maybe go away from the weekend."

"Oh that's a great idea. We could go back to the holiday house." I grinned.

"Great glad you like the idea. Well I'm heading off the day after tomorrow so we still have a few days to spend together. Thank you for being so understanding baby." he smiled sweetly at me and pulled me close.

"That's okay, I think you're going to make a great daddy." I gushed buried my head in to his shoulder.

"Aw you're just the cutest." he chuckled. "You're gonna make a great mama."

So matt's been gone for about three hours and I'm doing fine. We came to the agreement that I would call Ally if I need any help at all. Which I didn't think I would but we were going to have a movie marathon over the two days that the was gone.

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