"Face it, lads. This is going to affect our entire career going forward." Niall said.

"Not if I leave the band, if I cut ties with you guys it doesn't affect me anymore." Zayn shrugged.

Liam shoved him, making him almost fall off the couch, "Don't even joke about that."

"Who said I was joking." Zayn said, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. Liam shoved him again, this time he did fall off the couch making him land flat on his bum which must've hurt cause Zayn's got no cushion there. "I was kidding, I was kidding, jeez."

"I mean you know management is going to make one of us leave at some point, you know? It'll make them more profit since they'll be making money off of two artist without having to pay another person plus it's a media strategy to bring more attention to us if someone leaves." Niall said.

"Yeah and it's probably going to be me." I slouched down in my seat. I was the 'popular one' so of course they'd make me leave the group.

"No I don't think so, Haz." Niall shook his head. "It probably is going to be Zayn."

"See." Zayn said.

"Why, Zayn?" Louis asked, involved with the conversation now because it involved Zayn. No shocker there.

"Well you see, Harry is considered the most popular out of all of us so if Harry left no one would pay attention to One Direction which would be bad for management because they wouldn't be making double the money like they'd want." Niall explained.

"What so you're saying we wouldn't be any good without Harry? That we need Harry?" Louis scoffed.

"Not necessarily, we would be good without Harry, not as good as with him but we'd still be good. But he appeals the most, he's got that boyish charm and dimples and do you see his curly locks? We don't have any of those qualities so people wouldn't care to pay attention to us anymore without Harry." Niall explained.

I thought back to the conversation I had with Killian, how he said I could just leave and I'd be fine and I said I'd only leave after someone else did but now I realize I could never leave. I couldn't just leave these boys in the dust for my own success.

"So why Zayn? Why not one of us other than Harry?" Liam asked, bringing my attention back to the conversation.

Niall thought for a moment, not trying to figure out why but more of just to collect his thoughts into a explanation. "Well, it would have to be someone that management believed they could do well on their own. Which Up All Night proved that they don't think Louis or I have good enough of voices for solos, so it wouldn't be one of us. Liam, you could also be a candidate but they'd probably still go with Zayn." 

"Why?" Liam pressed.

"Because Zayn is the second most popular so he could leave and people would still pay attention to him but we would still have Harry so people would still pay attention to us. They would have to use someone who has strong vocals but was also not necessarily needed." Niall said.

"What? So you don't need me? Fuck you, Ni." Zayn spat.

"That's not what I mean, you're really good for high notes obviously and you benefit the group so well but we have other people who can do high notes and you give us a different sound so without you, we would sound so much different. Don't get offended, we could loose anyone and we'd still sound good but not as good as with everyone. But you'd do well for the public eye as well." Niall said.

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