Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

I felt awful. Louis was pissed off with me which obviously sucked but there was someone who hurt themselves because of me. I caused someone pain, it sucked a lot.

"Haz, are you alright?" Niall asked softly. We were back on the bus, on our way to the next show.

"No." I mumbled, stuffing my face into the pillow I was hugging tightly.

"Do you want to talk about it? You haven't said anything since the incident after the interview." He asked as he sat down next to me.

"I just feel so bad. Louis is mad at me, Liam's disappointed in me, Zayn's been snapping at us for weeks and I can't even tell you the last time me and him talked. Plus that girl is in the hospital. I feel like shit." I huffed.

"About that. . ." Niall trailed off.

I perked up, "What?"

"You see, we're on our way to our shows in Philadelphia." Niall started, "I did some digging, didn't take too much since the fans practically did all the work for me but I found out the girl who ended up in the hospital is in Columbus, Ohio. She's at Richard M. Heart Hospital and her name is Lucy Ridges."

"Jesus Christ, Niall. You didn't have to go and stalk the girl." I said, wide eyed.

He simply rolled his eyes and continued, "I checked with the bus driver and I was able figure out that we had just enough time for us to stop in Ohio before getting to Pennsylvania. You can go see the girl in the hospital."

My face lit up, "Really? Do you think I could help her?"

Niall nodded, "I do, I think if you talk to her, you could save her life, Haz. It wouldn't be the first time. So many fans owe their life to you because you saved them."

I shook my head, "It's not just me, it's all of us."

Niall scoffed, "Don't be modest, you are the biggest reason out of all of us."

I just sighed and glanced out the window to see the trees passing by. "How long will I have?"

"Two hours max, then we have to head to Pennsylvania." He said.

I nodded, "I will spend all of those two hours with her."

He set his hand on my thigh, "I don't think I tell you how much of an amazing human being you are enough, Harold."

"Only I get to call him Harold, okay? Cause it annoys him." We both looked over to see Louis standing in the door frame.

"What is with you and eves drooping?" I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry that you girls gossiping woke me up." He snorted as he walked over to the fridge. I got a good look at him, shirtless, low hanging sweat pants, he looked amazing but when does he not. The way the morning light hit his back muscles and the way that the shadows cast over the curve of his bum was just pure beauty at its finest.

Niall nudged me hard in the ribs, "Might want to wipe the drool off your chin."

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the couch, walking over to Louis. "Hey, you're not still mad at me, are you?" I asked timidly.

He didn't even look at me, "Why the fuck do you care if I'm mad at you or not?"

I flinched slightly, that definitely wasn't the response I was hoping for. "We decided to be friends months ago and friends care if another friend is mad at them."

He scoffed, "Please Harold, we both know we were only acquaintances at best."

My frown only got deeper, this conversation wasn't going where I wanted to at all, "Not to me." I said quietly and he finally looked at me with a softened expression.

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