Chapter 10 ~ Missing Pieces

Start from the beginning

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No," I said curiously awaiting to see what she was implying.

"Have dinner with me and I will explain all to you."

I looked at my watch and it was just around six pm.

"Where to?"

" about Little Villiage. It's not that far away."

"Okay," I said as I finished pumping my gas.

The drive wasn't that far. We both used the valet and walked in. I was a little nervous because I knew the owner. I had brought Cad here several times for lunch and I hoped Sal wasn't here. We were seated in a tiny booth with soft lighting. I excused myself to go to the bathroom but quickly returned.

"So are you going to tell me what is right in front of me that gives me this so called power?"

"It's you. You are the whole package. You're handsome, successful, a woman's wet dream."

"You're funny."

"It's your voice," she said coming closer to me. "You use to whisper in my ear like this and plant images of the most erotic scenes but at the same time control my body to your whim. No man has ever come close to doing that to me. You still hold that key to a place that has lied dormant in me for so long. Seeing you today has given me hope that you can unlock that door again Master Jacob."

"I can't."

"Why? I'm single, you're single. We are two consenting adults. Do you want me to beg because you know I am good at it? I will get on all fours and be your bitch. You can even put a leash on me and do the things we use to do."

"The thought of seeing you like that is tempting but I don't think it would work."

"Oh but I think you are wrong," she said grabbing my hand and putting it between her legs. She was warm and wet and I could feel her essence leaking out of her. I quickly pulled my hand back.

"See Master Jacob. You still have the magic touch. Did you feel how wet I am? I was reminiscing about the good old days. Remember when you would take me from the back and use your fingers and that hot wet mouth. You would coax my aching walls with those thick fingers on one hand, use the other to massage my breasts and kiss me with that mouth that should have been considered a deadly weapon while pumping into me from the back. I would have to grip the straps as you had me suspended in the air."

"Yes I remember but that's been so long ago," I said quickly taking a sip of wine.

"I think we should go back down memory lane and recapture all the fond memories we use to share."

"I don't think that is wise."

"Remember the wagon wheel? You would strap me on it, then get on top of me, and get inside me so deep while the wheel turned. Mmmm... I can still remember it like it was yesterday."

"Those memories also involved being with Garrett too remember?"

"Garrett went with the flow. Most of the time I could see he wanted you. Instead of looking into my eyes, his were focused on you."

"No they weren't."

She laughed as if I had told a joke. "I thought you two were lovers for the longest even thought ya'll were bisexual."

"I don't swing that way and never have."

"Oh I know because sometimes you're more than enough by yourself. You shared only for the moment but you knew how to play better by yourself. Remember the time you were traveling back and forth to Asia for some deal?"

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