seven ; a sexual tension

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At the time, I was unaware that Andy was standing behind the kitchen door with Rye's older brother, Robbie. Their hands full with more dishes to unload into the kitchen unaware that people were in their cleaning up the mess until Robbie heard Mikey ask someone who the identity was then unknown, what their intentions were with Andy. Leading to Andy and Robbie deciding to stick at the door and listen in.

When I finally dropped the double bomb of my feelings and the doubts that Andy shared them to Mikey. Andy felt guilty.

Mikey finally sighed. He placed his pot towel on a dry and clear counter, before taking the sponge out of my hand creating a splash in the sink and embracing me in a bear hug like my brothers do.

The fear of rejection is a strong fear. It stops you from doing many things... Like as a strong woman asking the person you like out. I like him but does he like me ? I probably could have asked Mikey if he knew if Andy had feelings for me or if he believed I should take the first step but I didn't. Instead, I took his embrace as a sign that Andy doesn't like me the way I do and as such, to avoid myself the embarrassment of being friendzoned I took the decision to take step back from whatever we currently were...

"Thanks..." I told him as I step away from Mikey "Think Rye's gonna like the cupcakes I brought ?" I asked the dark haired man as I grabbed the platters on which my cupcakes were laying

"Sure, if not I'm sure everyone else has enough gobs and stomachs for them." he answered and took one of the two platters from my hands

The door was then opened by Robbie entering the kitchen putting dirty dishes on the table and Andy following in, doing the same.

"Ooh, cakes !" Robbie said as he takes on and bites into it "They're good, where are they from ?"

"Thanks, I actually baked them..." I told him as I saw Andy staring at me "Do you want one ?"

"No, I'm good. I've already ate enough today. Don't need to put anymore weight on." he told me

"You're good. I mean, pwease I slaved for two hours over these. C'mon, I need some positive feedback to fee my ego !" I whined jokingly

"Argh... Okay, then..." he said grabbing the one with the less icing, because I was then at the bottom of my piping bag , he bit into it and ended up with some icing on his upper lip similar to a milk-stache

"Here..." I whisper softly, placing my hand on his cheek, using my thumb to swipe the excess icing of his lip

The moment seemingly happening in slow motion, as if the hand of mine that was resting upon his cheek created or at least ignited this deep connection, a wave of static energy from him to me. Our eyes catching the other's, like a promise to never let the other one stray away. As my thumb grasped the icing of his plump lips, I gently removed my had off of his face as if a brusque mouvement would stun us both. Our eyes still hypnotised by the others, I tasted the icing from my thumb. Recognising a look from his eyes, a look of lust. Andy and I were in our own bubble. Nothing could interrupt this moment. The world went on around us... Mikey had left the room with one of my platters and Robbie had left with him. We were well and truly alone in the Beaumont's kitchen but the only thing that mattered in that moment was him and I.

Andy didn't want to admit he'd heard everything that I'd mentioned to Mikey. Yet he acted on his feelings thanks to me admitting mine to his band mate and him overhearing his. It gave him the confidence to fight against his fear of rejection. Since : Why would I reject him if I already like him ?

He lifted up his right hand and caressed my cheek, his eyes have to distract themselves from my own. His thumb gently stroking over the side of my lips to my upper lip. A feather touch that made me forget how to breath and soon we both took a step forward : sharing a soft peck turning into a passionate kiss, making me question : what is air ?

After what seemed like forever but what could've been anything from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes we pulled away. He kept me close, resting our foreheads on each other. The pair of us breathing heavily.

Our first kiss was shared in Rye's family home's kitchen.

Our randy moment happened was soon interrupted and we return to the party with the tray of cupcakes that Mikey had left me with.


A/N : Sooo... at this moment in time nobody has read the last three chapters and there has been no votes or comments on this story. I've noticed some people adding it to their reading list but that's about it...

I've currently got the next 10 chapters prewritten so I'm wondering whether or not I should just cancel or discontinue this story. If anybody's reading this, I invite you to comment because as a long time wattpad user I know sometimes it glitches and you don't get the data you want.

I wish y'all a nice day. G'bye !

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