six ; a girlfriend ban

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About this 'girlfriend ban', I knew I had to stop over thinking things and question the cheeky lad I began to grow feelings for before I fell in too deep.

On this day, I was invited down to Somerset by Rye to join his family and the lads as he turned twenty-two years of age. At some point, Andy and I were sitting on the grass outside the Beaumont's family home gazing upon Rye teasing his little brothers.

"I've been doing a lot of snooping recently, you know ?" I announced breaking our comfortable silence

"Really ? What are you searching for ?"

"Any dirt, I can find from within your fanbase to use against you." I explained to him

"I might need to fact check you there." he said with his cheeky smirk

"Okay, so obviously Randy is real. I've seen it with my own two eyes." I said making us both laugh out loud

"You got us there." he said raising both of his hands

"So is Rykey, Mindy, Mack, Rack, Brandy, Brye, Jandy, Bikey or is it Brikey, Jacklyn." I tell him "But what caught my attention is this so called girlfriend ban, Blair has set up for you boys, sorry men." I tell him trying to appear innocent

"Ah... The 'girlfriend ban', well lets just say : there's this preconceived idea that if you're young and in a boyband, there's a girlfriend ban of installed in your contract. As such many Roadies believe that we aren't aloud to have a girlfriend. However, as we've each said countless times it's more a fact that we are just focused on the music we produce and that, that's our first priority." Andy explained "The truth is we've said plenty of times that we're single because at that moment in time our music is what we focus on, thus explaining why we don't see our families that much. Yet even though we've never mentioned a girlfriend ban, that's what they believe in."

"I mean... Why else would five handsome young men be single ?" I breathed out "I admire you having your priorities straight and not letting anything getting in its way..."

"Yeah, nothing..." he breathed out and sighed

"Do you, do you think..." I stuttered in a shine tone

"What ?" he asked me gently turning towards me

Andy's eyes shone like the deep blue ocean, full of many things that have yet to be discovered. Full of treasures waiting for just the right person to come and unlock them.

"Do you think that maybe s-" I was interrupted by Rye but maybe if we weren't interrupted everything would've been quicker

"Andy, Andy !" he repeated gaining the elder boy's attention "Look !" he shouted as he did a backflip off his siblings' slide

After our interruption, he didn't ask me what I was curious about. Although, another member of Roadtrip did. Before you think it's Rye, because he interrupted us two. No actually, it wasn't. It was the wise one, the deep one, the- I'm just going to stop beating around the bush : it was the one, the only Mikey, Michael Cobban !

To put our conversation in context, I was washing the dishes as Mikey was drying them and putting them aside as to help out so Rye's parents and siblings could enjoy his presence while it lasted.

"I was watching you, earlier." he opened up the subject and I looked at him strangely "You and Andy, when you were sitting under the lounge window..." he develops

"Okay ?"

"Do you have feelings for him ?"

You know earlier, how I told you that I wasn't going to beat around the bush to announce that it was him. Well the funny thing is he didn't beat around the bush to ask me about my intentions with the sweet mancunian.

"Ugh... what ?" but that doesn't mean that I didn't try and avoid the subject...

Until he eventually pressed "I know you have a crush on him." he told me and quickly added "I won't tell him."

"What, so why tell me if you have already pulled your own conclusions ?" I asked him momentarily stopping the task at hand

"I want to know your intentions with him. You're a nice person Liz, but I don't know you enough to be sure you won't hurt him. He may be older than me, but that doesn't mean : I'm not going to protect him any less." he told me and even though he was the one telling me I know all the other lads of Roadtrip which means Rye, Jack and Brooklyn as well as Blair, Harvey and Chiara wanted to know as well as maybe his mother, although I don't know if she knew about me yet.

"Being a royal, people often take who I am for granted and forget that there's someone : a human being. A human that's there waiting to be discovered and the sad thing is they don't try. From the first moment, I met you guys at the center commercial : Andy stood out to me. You saw it, it was if we knew each other on another level. There was this connection. I'm not talking about a superficial connection, because we've only seen each other face to face there, when I found you, when I surprised you backstage and today, so four times bar the facetime calls. He makes his opinion of people. He saw me as me and that's one of the many things I like about him. I also like that he has an opinion and stands by it. He won't force it down your throat, but he will defend it. I like his cheekiness that he mixes with sarcasm. I like the way he has with words, possibly why he's such a great songwriter. I like his eyes that are like a library that stretches to infinity with books waiting to be discovered, stories waiting backstage to be shared. I like that he has such a strong relationship with his mother as opposed to mine. I hate that he feels so insecure about his body when your physique doesn't matter and even if it did, well to me it seems as though he's well. I'd say perfect, because as I always nobody is perfect, everybody is perfectly imperfect in their own way. So yeah,  I like Andy. I have a crush on Andy. He's great and I have no bad intentions towards our pikachu fanatic."

"So, what did you want to know earlier, before you were interrupted ?"

I sighed before picking up as sponge and scratching at an invisible mark on one the dishes that was in the sink "I wanted to know if my feelings for him could ever be mirrored by him, of there could ever be an 'us'." I said dropping my feelings of fear upon Mikey

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