one ; a first meeting

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Once upon a time, in a land far far away... Scratch that. This isn't a fairytale, this is my life. No life is perfect, yet to some my life may seem like it... Hi, I'm Elizabeth and this, I would say my love story with some singer or how I met the love of my life. No, this is- Well, I'll just let you tune in to find out what this is about.

The sun had come up in London and as it shone through the fabric of my thinking white curtains, I decided that today was going to be a "me" day.

That's how I ended up in Westfield on that chilly November morning. Enjoying a nice, heart-warming hot chocolate and nice stroll around the usually popular, but surprisingly empty shopping complex.

I smile seeing a young child run up to her mother, the mother being a tall woman with a svelte figure and short blonde hair. I wonder what it must be like to have a human being that will always love you. A person that will always be there for you. A mother who will give you advice, be there for you as you become a woman or as you go through a harsh break up. I shake my head and pick up a newspaper, about the royal family and yet another scandal involving Fergie, I pay for it and head for a bench to read it quietly.

Unbeknownst to me, a group of lads were staring at me. They didn't know me. They were only intrigued by me and the aura of calmness and utter peace that surrounded me. For once those boys, we're quiet. Observing me, as if I was a documentary. There eyes following me as I read page after page, back to back, of the newspaper I'd picked up. Once I finished it, as well as my warm drink, I throw the paper cup away and walk up to them...

"Would you like to read, the newspaper ?" I asked handing it out

"Wait- You seem familiar. Do I know you ?" one of the blonde haired boys asked

I shook my head "No, I don't think you do..." I told him softly, after all nobody really knows. My life is made up of assumptions. People think that I have this perfect life. After all how could the life of Princess Lily the fifth in line to the British throne, be anything but perfect. I mean, how could the life of someone so privileged be anything but easy ? It's not as if I had to grow up without a mother, because she chose a vacation with her lover in Paris than staying home with 6 months old daughter.

"Well, let us..." the other blond one, dressed in white skinned jeans said as he stood up and put his right hand out, he waited for me to grab it "It's never to late, to get to know each other. I'm Andy and you're ?" in his eyes, I could see that he knew who I was but in that moment, I saw the sincerity and the genuine goodness he possessed

"Liz" I grab his hand "and I'd be delighted !"

And that's how we met... Now let's see what happened and how that friendship turned into a bond, and that bond turned into something that I thought to only happen in a person's wildest dream...

Fancy 》Andy Fowler / RoadtripWhere stories live. Discover now