five ; a sisterly confession

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Growing up I never had a sister. Only two brothers : Will the perfection and Harry the rebel.

I don't hate my brothers. Even through everything they mean the world to me. Yes, we may have different opinions about the woman that birthed me but isn't that liberty of opinion and individuality, what makes us different : human ?

When I first met Catherine, I was jealous of my brother and of her. He was aloud to be amongst regular people and she grew up in a world where she was free to be whoever she wanted to be. I was jealous, because they had what I always desired : freedom.

As time went on, Catherine or as the public called her Kate Middleton, became the sister I dreamt of having. She is : kind, supportive, protective and a great advice giver.

Being a member of the royal family meant that you have to be careful of the information you chose to confide in people. As such, when I felt myself crushing on the beautiful soul that is Andrew Fowler, the only person that it felt right to share that information with was : my sister...

I remember one afternoon, I was being fitted for my dress for Harry and Meghan's wedding talking with Kate about : that handsome young man, that is and was Andy Fowler...

"Okay, tell me all about him !" she pressed me

"He's smart and opiniated. He always protests for what he believes is right. He's charming and cheeky at the same time. He comes off as rude and arrogant to some people, but it's just because sarcasm, irony and cheekiness are like a second nature to him. He loves and worships his mother, he has a very close relationship with her, since his father walked out on them when he was really young. He's insanely talented on his guitar and has a powerful voice. He's determined to make his dreams come true and has been working towards his goal for so long and never gives up. He's insecure about his body, no matter how many people tell him that he has nothing to be insecure about. He has these dark blue eyes that are so deep, like a portal to his soul." I described him and sighed

"He sounds like your ideal man. What's he called ?"

"Andy..." I tell her in a dream like state "Ouch !" I scream as a needle is prodded into my skin by the seamstress and swatted at her

Just from my description of him, she knew of the feelings that plagued my heart and mind.

"I think her highness has had enough for today, thank you Sophie." Kate told the seamstress as the woman nods before helping me out of the garment

"Thank you, Miss Kneed." I told her as I stepped off the platform that elevated me and went into the dressing room to change into a regular outfit "The problem is he's so focused on his career, on his music ; that I don't think he sees me in such a light. Moreover, there's seemingly a girlfriend ban imposed upon him and his band mates by his boss. I just..." I opened the door to return to her "I just  don't know what leg to stand on, Kate." I told her grabbing my handbag as we walked out of the boutique together to the bodyguards waiting for us

Later on she told me in the car that "Maybe you should talk to him about how you feel. Honesty is always the best policy and I think that's something that your Andy may agree with, from what you've told me."

She was right.

Over the next couple of weeks, questions plagued my mind.


A/N : What do you think ?

Lizzy is realising she has a crush on good ole Fovvlar...😁

Fancy 》Andy Fowler / RoadtripDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora