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The newsies hit the streets, reaching every working child in New York with the Newsboy Banner and they all rallied in Newsie Square.

You say and watched the newsies converse and wait for Jack to come out and tell them the news.

"Did I miss anything?" Katherine asks as she runs over.

"No... Jack's been up there for over an hour. I don't know if that's good or bad." You answer glancing back up towards Pulitzer's office.

"Hey y/n, can I talk to you?"

"Now isn't a good time Davey." You say attempting to move away from him but he stops you by grabbing your wrist.

"Please y/n..."

You sigh and turn back. "You got 5 minutes. Make it count."

"Look I'm sorry about what happened at the strike the other day. I didn't mean to get Crutchie taken, let alone stop you from saving him. It's just that, you were my girl, I had to protect you first. And letting you try and save Crutchie and get taken yourself, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself." Davey says softly, holding your hand. You pull your hand away and look him in the eyes.

"Thank you for apologizing and explaining."

"You're welcome." Davey quickly responds.

"But this doesn't mean I'll be your girl again. I made a messed up by being your girl in the first place. I'm sorry." You say.
"Please y/n." You sadly smile at him and walk over to Katherine.

"Newsies of New York City..." You look up and see Jack on the balcony all of the Newsies gather around and look up. "We won!" Everyone cheers and slaps each other on the back, you turn and hug Katherine as a thank you for her help.
"And now, I would like to introduce my very own personal pal, Governor Theodore Roosevelt, himself." Jack says as the governor walks forward.

"Each generation must, at the height of it's power, step aside and invite the young to share the day. You have laid way to our world. Now, I believe the future, in your hands, will be bright and prosperous." He turns to Jack and speaks. "And your drawings, son, have brought another matter to end. Officers, if you please!" The governor shouts.

The Newsies movie and Race shouts. "Hey, Jack! Look! It's Crutchie!" You quickly turn around and see Crutchie making his way through newsie square.

"Crutchie!" Y/n shouts as she runs up and hugs him. Crutchie laughs as he hugs her back, his crutch forgotten on the ground.

"How ya doin', fellas? Oh, and look, look what I got yas! A gift, straight from the refuge. Hey, bring him in boys!" You support Crutchie as you reach down and pull his crutch up to him.

The officers walk in with Snyder.

"It's Snyder the Spider!"

"He ain't so tough no more, is he?"

"Jack, with those drawings, you made an eloquent argument for shutting down the refuge. Be assured that Mr. Snyder's abuses will be fully investigated. Officers, take him away." The officers start walk but Crutchie stops them.

"Please, Your Highness, may I do the honors?" Crutchie asks, pointing to himself. Rosevelt nods.

"You gotta be joking."

Crutchie starts cuffing Snyder. "Then you'll be laughing all the way to the pen, little man." As the officers start walking, Crutchie uses his bad leg to kick Snyder along. "So long, sucker!"

"Oh, thank you, Governor!" Jack says coming over to Crutchie and y/n.
"Hey, if one of your drawings convinced the Governor to close down the refuge, what about a daily political cartoon to expose the dealings in our own government back rooms? What do you say, Teddy? Care to have this young man's artistry shine a light behind your closed doors?" Pulitzer says, looking to the governor.

"Hey, hey. Joe don't sweat it. With the strike settled, I should probably be hitting the road." Jack says starting his trek to the train station.

"Don't you ever get tired of singing the same old tune? What's Santa Fe got that New York ain't? Tarantulas?" Davey says blocking Jack's path.

"Or better yet: What's New York got that Santa Fe ain't?" Katherine said.

"New York's got us, and we're family." Crutchie said wrapping his arm around y/n and moving over to Jack.

"Didn't I hear something about a strike getting settled? Papes for the newsies! Line up, boys! These papes ain't gonna sell themselves." Wiesel yells.

"Come along, governor. Show me the back seat I've heard so much about." Medda says walking with Rosevelt as he laughs.
"So I guess your going back to Brooklyn. Isn't your transfer up?" Crutchie asks.
"Actually, I think I'm gonna stay here. Brooklyn may be home but you're here in Manhattan." You laugh.

"You don't have to move to Manhattan for me. I could..." Crutchie starts but you interrupt.

"No way in hell I'm letting you move to Brooklyn! You're family is here Crutch!"
"And your's is in Brooklyn. Plus Jack is my family, and he's leaving for Santa Fe." Crutchie tells you.

"By the looks of it," You say glancing at Jack and Katherine as they kissed. "Jack isn't going anywhere any time soon. And I have family here I Manhattan. I have Jack, Specs, and Race, and hell I have you. I'd rather be in Manhattan and with you, than in Brooklyn and never see you again." Crutchie pulls you into a kiss as soon as you finished.

"Hey y/n, you need an escort back to Brooklyn?" Jack asks walking up to you.
You glance over to Crutchie then back to Jack. "Actually... I'm gonna stay here in Manhattan." You smile.

"You finally made a good decision huh?" Jack asks.

"Crutchie saved me, I would have made a good decision at the beginning had I seen what I needed."

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