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"Papes! Papes for the newsies! Line up." Wiesel shouts.
"Mornin, Weasel, you miss me?" Jack says walking towards Wiesel.
"The name's Wie-sel!" He rudely responds
"That's what I said!" Jack responds. "I'll take the usual."
"100 papes the wise guy." Wiesel says to Morris. Morris hands Jack the papes and he walks over to the wagon and began to read the paper.
"How's it goin, Weasel?" Race says combing up behind
"At least call me Mister."
"I'll call you sweetheart if you spot me 50 papes." Race simple says.
"Drop your cash and move it along." Wiesel says harshly.
"What ever happened to romance?" Race says, taking his papes.
"Papes for the Racer. Next." Wiesel shouts as y/n walks up to him.
"150 papes." she says as she lowers the money onto to the box.
"150 for the lady." Morris smirks at her as he has her the stack. She just glares at him as she walks away.
"Mornin', Mr. Wiesel." Crutchie limps his way up and gives Wiesel the money.
"50 papes for Crutchie." Wiesel says. "Hey, look, at this! A new kid!"
"I'm new too." A young boy pokes his head around his older brother.
"Oh, don't worry kid, it rubs right off!" Race says, attitude clear in his voice. Many newsies agree with him.
"I'll take 20 newspapers, please." The oldest says.
"20 papes for the new kid." Wiesel shouts. The boy goes straight for the papers.
"Hey, hey, let's see the dime." Oscar says pulling the papes back.
"Well I'll pay you when I sell them." The boy says. Everyone just laughs.
"Haha, funny kid." Oscar says.
"Come on. Cash up, boy."
"But whatever I don't sell, you buy back, right?" He asks.
"Oh! Certainly! And every time you lose a tooth, I put a penny under your pillow. Ha! This kid's a riot. Come on, cough up the cast and move along." Wiesel says as the boy pays and grabs his papes. "Come on, move it along."
"Albert! Let's see your money."
"You have a very interesting face. Ever think of getting into the moving pictures?" Albert says.
"You really think I could?" Wiesel asks.
"Sure. Buy a ticket, they let anyone in!" Ever one laughs as Albert drops his money and get his papers.
"Sorry, excuse me, I paid for 20, but you gave me 19." The new kid said to Wiesel.
"See how nice I was to the new kid. What do I get for my civility? Ungrounded accusations?" Wiesel reacts. Jack grabs his papers and quickly counts them. Y/n walks up behind him but keeps
"I just want what I paid for."
"He said beat it."
"The kids right Wiesel! Ya gave him 19." All of the newsies start to chatter. "Now, now. I'm sure it was just an honest mistake." Jack pauses. Everyone kind of nods their heads. "On the account that Oscar can't count to 20 with his shoes on." All of the Newsies begin to laugh as Oscar tries to jump aattack but Wiesel holds him back.
"Here's your paper. Take a hike." Wiesel rudely says to the kid.
"Give the new kid 50 more papes." Jack says giving Wiesel more money.
"I don't want more papes." Everyone stops to look at him.
"What kind of newsie don't want more papes?" Y/n says walking towards the new kids.
"I'm no charity case! I don't even know you." The older one signals the youngest and starts to walk away but the younger one stops.
"His name is Jack."
"Yeah, this here is the famous Jack Kelly! He once escaped jail on the back of Teddy Roosevelt's carriage. It made all the papes!" Crutchie says standing.
"How old are ya?" Y/n asks the younger of the two new kids.
"I'm nearly 10!"
"Nearly 10?! Well if anyone asks, you're 7. Younger sells more papes." She tells him.
"And if you wanna be partners-" Jack starts but is soon cut off.
"Who said we want a partner?"The older one hatefully says.
"Selling with Jack is the chance of a lifetime. If you learn from him, you learn from the best." Y/n says walking towards the other. "I mean besides me."
"Whoa slow your roll Brooklyn!" Jack says walking over to her.
"Brooklyn?" A lot of the newsies shout.
"Yes Brooklyn, I'm from Brooklyn. Is there a problem?" She says looking to each boy.
"Defiantly not."
"Anyways yes, y/n is ONE of the best but her in Manhattan I'm the best." Jack says directing it towards y/n.
"Well if you're the best, then what do you need with me?" The boy continues to ask.
"Cause you got a little brother and I don't. With that plus, we can easily sell a thousand papes a week." Jack explains. "Look sad, kid." The young boy makes a sad. "We're gonna make millions!"
"This is my brother, David. I'm Les."
"It's nice to meet you, Davey. My two bits come off the top, and we split everything else 70-30." Jack says to David.
"50-50! You wouldn't try and pull a fast one on a little kid." Les says standing up to Jack, the height difference prominent.
"60-40, and that's my final offer." Jack says to Les. Les looks the David for advice and he tells Les to go ahead.
"Deal." Les says as he and Jack spit shake.
"That's disgusting." David says, blankly.
"That's just business." Jack says moving to stand on the stacks of newspapers. "Newsies! Get to the streets! The sun is up, the headline stinks, and this kid ain't gettin' any younger!"

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