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"Hey Davey."
"Hey y/n."
"So..." You say standing awkwardly outside the theater.
"Shall we go in?" He asks, holding his arm out.
"We shall." You link your arms with his and you walk up to the door.
"Miss Larkin is expecting us." Davey says to the man.
"Can I have your names?"
"David Jacobs and y/n l/n." Davey says for you.
"Head on in."
"Medda is us?"
"I may have pulled a few strings to get us a private box for tonight's show." Davey says leading you up a set of stairs and in a room.
"I've never seen a show from this angle." You say in shock looking at the view. "Davey thus is amazing. Thank you."
"Anything for you."
You both sat together and watched the show. Afterwards Davey was walking you to the lodging house.
"I had fun." You say, your hand intertwined with Davey's.
"I did too."
You both walked in silence before you came up to the front doors of the lodging house.
"This is me." You say stopping at the steps, Davey stands looking at you.
"I hope we can do this again."
"Look Davey. I had fun, really I did. But I don't think this can happen." You say removing your hand from his.
"I... I don't understand. I thought..."
"Look Davey I like you. I really do but... I can't do us if my heart is set on someone else." You say. His face dropped. "I'm sorry Davey." You lean up and kiss his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow." You walk up the steps and into the lodging house. You close the door behind and slowly slide down it. You back against the door and your knees moving to your chest. You could hear Davey through the doors. He wasn't happy with what happened and honestly neither were you.
Who did you care more about? Crutchie saved you from Snyder. But Davey gave you this feeling that you just couldn't get rid of.
You were so focused on your thoughts that you didn't hear Jack come down the stairs. "Hey y/n."
"Oh hey Jack." You say standing from your position on the floor.
"How was your date with Davey?"
"How did you..." You look at him, curiosity on you face.
"I heard everything through my window upstairs."
"Jack! You whisper shout, shoving him.
"Hey you're the one talking loudly." He says laughing slightly. "So who are you gonna choose?"
"What do you mean?" You ask.
"Davey or Crutchie?" He crosses his arms and leans against the wall.
"No y/n I'm serious. This is an option you aren't getting out of." You didn't move or speak and Jack started talking again. "Crutchie's up in the penthouse, hasn't moved since you left."
"Why is that important to me?" You say.
"Cause he heard about you going to with Davey."
"Why should he care? He doesn't care about me like that." You say looking at Jack.
"That's where you're wrong." You raise your eyebrow at Jack. "That night when Snyder was chasing me, Davey, and Les, Crutchie was by your bedside when I got back. Had been all night and refused to leave your side."
"Really?" Tears brimmed your eyes as he told you this.
"Yes y/n. He cried when Race told him about your date." Tears started rolling down your cheek. You had caused Crutchie so much pain because you were so certain that he didn't care about you. Because you were unsure about your feelings.
"You need to make a choice y/n. So it gonna be. Davey or Crutchie?"

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