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"Paper! Paper! Evening paper!" David tries to sell a paper but the man ignores him.
Jack and you walk up to David laughing. "Sing him to sleep, why don't ya?" Jack says, taking the paper from David's hand and tossing it to you. "Watch and learn." He pulls David to the side as you walk up to someone.
"EXTRA EXTRA! Terrified flight from burning inferno! You heard the story right here!" The man hands you some money and takes the paper. "Thanks, mister."
"You just made that up." David says.
"I did no such of a thing. I said he heard it right here, and he did." You says, tossing David the money.
"My father taught us not to lie." David said catching the money.
"Well mine taught me not to starve."
"Just sold my last paper." Les said runs over to his brother.
"I got one more." David said pulling out one last paper.
"Tell him to pay for it." Jack says.
"Hey, give it to me." Les takes the paper from his brothers hands. You and Jack move over and watch from the sidelines. "Buy a pape, from a poor, orphan boy?"
"Oh, you dear thing, of course I'll take a newspaper. Here's a dime." The lady said and quickly went on her way.
You laughs as Jack went up the Les, patting his shoulder. "Born to the breed."
"This is so much better than school." Les says holding up the dime.
"Don't even think it! When Papa's back to work, we're back to school." David runs up to his little brother forcing the younger boy to look at him.
"Hey, how's about we divy up the money? We'll grab you some chow, find some place for you to spend the night." Jack says putting his arm around you.
"Oh, we gotta get home; our folks will be waiting with dinner." David said counting the money he and Les made that day.
"You got folks, huh?" Jack says.
"Doesn't everyone?" Les ask but his face falls when he sees how sad Jack looks.
"Our dad tangled with a delivery truck on the job. Messed up his leg bad, so they laid him off. That's how come we have to find work." David said walking up to the couple, giving them their share of the money earned.
"Yeah, yeah... sure, that makes sense." Jack says pocketing the money.
"Hey I'm gonna head back to the lodging house, get to know some of the boys." You say looking at Jack
"Or just Crutchie." Jack says winking at his best friend.
"Shut up." You shove him over and start walking. "I'll see you at the penthouse."
As you were walking away she hears Jack shout. "Run!" You look to see Snyder chasing Jack and the Jacobs boys. You take off running and bust into the lodging house stopping only when your in on the the rooms on the third floor. You drop to the ground and pull your knees to your chest. A crowd had since formed around you.
"What the hell is the goil's name again?"
"Who's she?"
"Ain't that Jack's goil?"
"Y/n?" Crutchie says pushing his way through the crowd. He sees you on the crowed and drops down next to you."Hey, what up?" You look up to him and he sees the tears streaming down your cheeks. "Y/n what happened?"
"Snyder... Saw me... Chased Jack.. A-and D-d-davey and Les.... And I-I-I don't know if h-h-he got t-th-them." You stutter, still crying.
"Hey, hey, shhhhhhhh. It's okay. They'll be fine." Crutchie hugs you as you continue to cry, you're head in the crook of his neck. As soon as you calmed down Crutchie spoke again. "Let's get you to bed and we'll talk in the morning if you want." You nod your head and sit there as the newsie stands up. He hold his hand out and pulls you up, almost losing his own balance. He walked you over to an open bed and you lied down. Crutchie watch the side of the bed and rubbed your back as you fell asleep. Crutchie couldn't sleep that night, too worried about you. You woke suddenly a few times that night but Crutchie lulled you back to sleep with a story.
Jack got back to the lodging house early the next morning. All the boys had already gone to bed but Crutchie remained by your bed.
"Yous really care about her don't ya?"
Crutchie jumps at the voice and turns to see at the doorway. "No." He responds abruptly.
"Don't lie to me Crutch." He says walking to the bed. "How long's she been outs?"
"Almost all night. She keeps waking suddenly from nightmares or wondering if you got back."
"Have you slept?"
"Get some sleep. I'll stay up with her."
"No Jack..." Crutchie starts to retaliate but Jack cuts him off.
"You need sleep more than I do. Get some rest bud."
"Alright. Night Jack."
"Night Crutch."
Jack sat down on the bed, taking Crutches previous position. He moves his hand up to your face and moves a piece of hair away from your eyes. "Glad yous safe y/n/n. Davey and Le's are safe too. But you'd never believe what I experienced tonight. Y/n I think in in love. But I'm not sure. Just think. Us both in love but not will big to tell the other person how we feel. I guess we're more alike than we thought." He laughs lightly. "You need to tel l him y/n. Because things aren't going to go right soon. I can feel it." He looks art he peaceful face. "Sleep tight y/n/n." He kisses her forehead.
As Jack out of the room you sat up and and looked around. "Maybe I will Jack. Crutchie does deserve to know before it does get worse." She lies back down and tries to sleep again.
Little did she know that crutchie was outside her door, and heard the whole thing.

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