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You kept running and you couldn't stop. If you did, well let's just say it wouldn't end well. Snyder wasn't the nicest person, especially to you, a Brooklyn Newsie, who had spent too much time in the Refuge, a jail for juvenile delinquents. So why were you running now? Well you escaped from the refuge the last time you were there and Snyder really doesn't like escapees. Spot Conlon, leader of the Brooklyn newsies, decided to transfer you to Manhattan to sell papes alongside Jack Kelly, the leader of the Manhattan newsies. Of course you gladly accepted, Jack was a close friend of yours after being in the refuge so often, so getting switched to Manhattan was no big deal except for the part that you had to travel alone and Snyder spotted you.
You had ran all throughout town. You took one glance behind you to see if Snyder was still following and instantly bummed into someone.
"Oh my god I am so sorry." You instantly say.
"Oh it's nothing. Where you going in such a hurry?"
"Uhhhhhh..." You quickly look behind you keeping an eye of for the spider. You were unsure to trust this new found voice until you heard a voice you were hoping to not hear. "Got you now y/l/n." Snyder shouts as he moves towards you.
Suddenly not caring who the boy you bumped into earlier is anymore you quickly speak. "Newsboys Lodging House? Can you point the way?"
"I can do something better, follow me." As fast as you could, you followed the boy down an alley and into a building before Snyder could even reach where you were. Only then did you notice who you were following. It was a boy, no younger than 16 and with a gimp leg and crutch. Jack had mentioned him the last time you saw eachother.
"We can hide here until Snyder gives up on looking for you." The boy said before sitting down on a box in the room.
"Where are we?"
"Medda Larkin's Bowery." A different voice responds making you turn around.
"Medda." The boy says, standing and making his way to the woman.
"Crutchie." she hugs the boy and looks at him. "Where's Jack or one of the other boys?"
"Probably already at the lodging house, I had a little trouble selling papes today but I met someone. This is... Well... Actually I don't think I ever caught your name." The boy, Crutchie, turns to me.
"Y/n, I'm a Brooklyn newsie."
"What is a Brooklyn newsie doing all the way in Manhatten?" Crutchie asks me.
"Transfer. Spot's moving me to work with Jack Kelly." You respond.
"Well lucky for you, Jack's on his way tonight to see a show. Your welcome to wait here darling." Medda says to the young girl.
"Thank you."
"Make yourself comfortable, it may take Jack awhile to get here with Snyder a block away." Crutchie moves back to the box and sits down, you decide to join him and you two just talk, about anything and everything.

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