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A/n: Unlucky number, unlucky chapter. I'm so sorry :/
I will be writing in different perspectives in this chapter.

Alex Blake's point of view:
"Are you sure you should go?" I watched Aaron attach the vest to his chest.


"Okay, so not negotiable?" I leaned against one of the lockers.

"No," he walked past me out of the room.

"I'm coming with you then," I followed him to the elevators.

"Absolutely not," he stopped and turned to face me. "You don't have any professional experience in the field and I will not have your body on my conscience," he said with a serious voice. "Reid, you're coming with me and Garcia tell Morgan, JJ and Dave to meet us there."

"Because my death you can live with?" Reid said with a smirk.

Aaron gave him a death stare.

"Sorry," Reid whispered before following Aaron down to the garage.

I shook my head and walked up to Garcia.

"Am I really that bad to be with in the field?" I sat down next to her.

She just looked at me with a pity smile. I sighed.

"How did you find him?" I changed the subject.

"I checked the surveillance footage again and went back about three months ago when he, our stupid, stupid psychopath, bought a candy bar," Garcia showed me the video.

"And he paid with a credit card," I said and watched the unsub enter his code. "Are you sure it's his though?"

"Yes, the card belongs to a certain Noah Henderson and he looks a lot like our unsub," she answered.

"That's why you're the best," I smirked.

"Awe, you are too sweet," she smiled. "But please, do say it again."

I laughed, "you, really are the best."

She gave me a big smile which I returned.

"Now, tell me about your date," she leaned her elbows on the desk and supported her head with her hands.

"He took me to the beach," I said with a smile.

"The beach? In the middle of december?" She said surprised.

"Yes, but he brought a lot of blankets so it was nice," I smiled.

The phone on my desk went off and interrupted our conversation.

"Hey Reid, everything okay?" I answered the phone.

"Not really, Rossi is fifteen minutes away and you are only five minutes away."

"Hotch doesn't want to wait for them, you need to get here, we need backup," and just like that the phone call ended.

"Shit.." I whispered as I grabbed my jacket.

"What's going on?" Garcia asked concerned.

"Send everyone you can to that house, right now!" I yelled while running towards the stairs.


I jumped out of the car, barley giving it time to stop properly. I ran towards the door, which was already broken down.

I stopped for a second to catch my breath, I didn't even have a gun, what was I thinking going in there?

All the thoughts vanished when I heard Aaron yelling from inside the house.

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