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A/n: The main character in this story is named Alex Blake, it's not the same Alex Blake from the show. I have had this name in mind before I watched CM, sorry if it's confusing heh.

Everything was the same. The walls were still green, the chairs still rusty and it smelled exactly like the last time; sweat and injustice.

I really hadn't done anything wrong. I was coping with prison and stayed out of trouble. Except my cellmate clearly disliked me and we'd have a couple of arguments every now and then.

The door swung open and a tall man in a suit stepped in.

"Agent Hotchner," I greeted him. "I was wondering when I might see you again."

The man gave me a polite, but small, smile before speaking, "actually, it's SSA Hotchner now."

I nodded slowly. "Well then you will have to forgive me, sir," I gave him a playful smile.

He gave away a quiet laugh, more like a cough really. He cleared his throat and sat down on the chair on the opposite side of the table.

"It's been awhile," I started, "what brings you back here? You're not here because you missed me, are you?" I raised my eyebrows and gave him a sly smirk.

He didn't answer, clearly he wasn't in the mood to play. 

"Don't be shy, Agent, I missed you too," I tilted my head to the right, allowing the corners of my mouth to move upwards.

He raised one eyebrow, still locked in his silence, still staring at me. I had had enough of his cold demeanor, he was the one who came to me.

"Why are you here, Hotchner?" I asked. "It better not be because you have more questions about my father, because I'm not answering any more of those." I moved my head an inch forward, putting my entangled hands on the table, looking at him intently, making sure he understood.

"I want you to work for me," the handsome man in the suit finally spoke.

"Excuse me?" I frowned, not completely sure if I had heard him correctly.

"I have discussed it with the section chief and the director, all the paperwork is done," he leaned his hands on the table. "All you have to do is say yes."

I looked at him, trying to figure out if he was serious or not, but when wasn't he?

"And what exactly would I be doing?"

"You'd be a consultant for me and my team, you'd work cases with us," he said and reached down for his briefcase. "You'd help us take down psychopaths," he handed me a yellow-ish file with Federal Bureau of Investigation stamped on it. I opened it. "This will be your first case consulting and if it goes well, the bureau would like to hire you."

I turned my eyes from the file to the brown eyes in front of me, "hire me?"

"Yes, instead of serving six years in prison you will be working for me," he looked me dead in the eyes. "If you want my advice, you should take the deal."

I looked back at the file, "and what would you get out of this?" 

"You," he breathed.

My eyes snapped up to meet his, my heart beating in my ears. He looked away, flustered, like he had been caught.

"The unsub kidnaps nannies and the babies the same day every year, another nanny and another baby has disappeared," he changed subject. "Will you work this case with us?"

I closed the file and uncrossed my legs before I spoke, "how will you know that I won't try to run away?"

He gave me a small smirk. "Well, you will never be left alone and even if you were you will be wearing this around your ankle," he was holding what looked like a bracelet but for your foot.

I rolled my eyes, "is it a tracker that will go off if I don't stay in a certain area?"

The man raised an eyebrow, "of course not, we fly all over the country so that would be quite ineffective," he smirked, "but we will be able to track your every move."

"Isn't that a bit extreme?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You asked," he just shrugged. "So, does that mean you're in?"

I took a deep breath, "yeah, I'm in."

BLAKE | a. hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now