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To the Paris I once Loved,

I'm neither Oenone,
The nymph you promised your love
Nor Helen,
The most beautiful woman in the known world.

I'm not a goddess or a demi-god;
I'm an ordinary mortal...
A girl whose heart has learned to love you.
A girl who thought your love was true.

And while I thought of you,
The memories of our love so untrue
Has brought bitterness in my heart
And a deadly sorrow consumed me too fast.

I thought you were unskilled
To play love's game,
And so I was assured then
That you would never break my fragile heart.

But though you were unskilled,
You played with my heart
And made me believe we'll never be apart,
Until I became just another Oenone.

I became just another girl,
Hurt and broken,
But still willing to help you heal,
Still believing ...and still waiting.

And so when you came back,
I thought you've totally changed
For the better.
For a better you and me.

I guess destiny just never favored us
Or the love I was willing to give.
Just because of a stupid note,
I fell for you once again.

Thus, I became just another Helen,
My heart so weak,
To your words it has gave in.
And people started to get involved.

Looking back,
It wasn't about destiny favoring us,
It was indeed, a curse
From the start.

It was indeed your cowardice
To take risk in the solemnity of love.
And it was partly my fault
For risking my heart to the wrong choice of love.

Its me,
Your hidden lover the world has never learned of.

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