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The first time I wrote you a poem
The sky was a blend of red and indigo
That poem was about how I first fell for you.

And as I walk home today,
I noticed that the sky had the same color
It had the same blend, same mixture.

It reminded me of how I had been silly,
It brought back mem'ries of my follies,
Of things I did thinking we were destined to be.

I thought reminiscing those memories was enough
But seeing you today,
I think I totally went back to the past.

I felt like I was dragged back in time
Because as I stood opposite you,
It felt like today was just yesterday.

Turning my back away from you
It was the only solution I could think of
So I won't feel that way any longer.

But when our eyes locked,
All those memories rushed back to my mind
I almost lost control and smiled at you.

But I didn't.
I managed not to.
And I started walking far away from you.

You probably saw me too.
You probably noticed me too.
And probably, just probably you remembered me too.

But I walked away just like that.
Because I know that if I smiled at you
I'd fall all over again to the same person who wasn't able to see me through...

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