Chapter 13- The End

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Adian Pov:

I don't know what just happened one minute I an in class with my {Sexy} boyfriend and the next minute the bell rings and he disappears, Stiles is gone and all that is left is his note book. I am about to close up his notebook and follow him when I see what is written on the page.

Dear Love,

Sorry for running out like that and leaving you but I had a lot on my mind, I didn't want you to worry. Adrian, Love what I am going to write in this letter is the truth and I am sorry to tell you this in a letter but I couldn't face you knowing I was the cause of the pain you would be in. I have done some horrific things in my short life time Adrian and I am not the good kind of man that you want in your life. If I stay with you in Paris with Isaac, Peter and Chris I know you will get caught up in the crossfire. I know you would have retorted something about you being the great Chat Noir but no matter how much you don't want to admit it 'You can't save everyone'... Trust me I know more then anyone. I don't want you getting hurt because of my decisions... that and my visa has expired.

Please remember this Adrian, I will always and forever.

Love you my kitty in shinny leather.


I couldn't believe this... tears feel onto the notebook's pages.

My love... My 1st boyfriend... gone just like he was wiped from existents.

Stiles, I love you too... please don't leave me.

All these thoughts rattled in my head as I sobbed my broken heart out. 

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