Chapter 12- Sorry love

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We Have been dating about a week. Adrian and I. No one at school knew expect for Isaac and Nat who have officially been dubbed the cutest gay coupe dating at our school but was everything hunky dory... FUCK NO! Marriette was following Adrian around like a drunk love sick girl and don't even get me started on the blonde bitch that Adrian calls a friend. If I was a werewolf and saw these two about to kiss... lets just say there wouldn't be much of Chloe to be a buried. There hasn't been an assassination a tempted on Isaac or myself in a week and if I didn't say this waiting game wasn't a little nerve-racking then I would have lied to your fucking face because I am on a whole another level when it comes to this shit. These goes above and beyond crap your pants scared and pissing yourself scared. I am talking about screaming yourself a waking, seeing what isn't real and not knowing if your dreaming or not... Crap... this is what happened with Void... he can't come back...right?

"Stiles if your not going to pay attention in this class you can go to the principles office." Said the bitchy teacher making me roll my eyes as my attention when from my mind to the board in front of me and my {sexy} boyfriend next to me.

I felt Adrian's hand on my lap making me look up at him as he asked "Yeah just a lot on my mind." I lied rubbing his hand with my own as we both turned back to the class.

You may be wondering what the fuck is going on. Well to tell you the truth I fucking hate lying to Adrian but it's the only way I can make sure he is safe. What if void comes back. What if Scott decides to kill him. What happens if he gets court in the crossfire of all the people trying to kill me. I can't do this to Adrian. I couldn't fuck up his life... Fuck I haven't even told him about all the shit that happens within my life. The Werewolves. The death. It would destroy me if I had to watch Adrian died because of the shit I have to deal with on a regular basis. I know he is the great Cat Noir but if something happened to mem and he couldn't save me he would never forgive himself and that would tear me apart... You can't save everyone.

I stopped taking the notes and start to write a letter,

Sorry love I thought as the bell rings and I disappear into the crowd of kids. 

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