"Where are the others?" Percy said.

"Camp Jupiter. With MORE cracks. And MORE monsters." Grover yelled.

The monsters, apparently, are targeting the ones who are up. The possessed once are left alone, fighting with each other. No dead bodies yet, so that's a good thing.

The next earthquake knocked everything and everyone to the ground. This was followed by more cracks, and a wave of water out of nowhere, flooding the whole camp.

"This is ridiculous!" Percy yelled.

"Percy. War of the gods. We have to stop this." Annabeth gasped. "Each of the god controls an element or two of the earth. And when they're in a war with one another-"

"-the world ends." Percy said. "Right. Got it."

A hand grabbed him by the arm, as he was pulled to the side. He was suddenly flying. First, he thought it was Jason, but then he figured out it was Aether.

"I know how to stop this!" He yelled. "But it's not good!"

Percy wasn't listening. Through the arrows flying, and somehow fireballs, and auraes, Aether flew both him and Percy to cabin 3. He slammed the door shut and took a breath. Percy had this horrid expression etched in his face.

"I have to help Annabeth!" He yelled, as he ran to the door.

"No!" Aether said, throwing him back to his bed. "I found a way. But it's not pretty."

"What?" Percy said, his eyes widened and stared into Aether's. "Tell me. I'll do it."

"I don't think you should. It's really not good." Aether said.

"I'll do it. Whatever it is." Percy said.

"It's not a thing. It's more of a price." Aether said.

"I'll pay whatever." Percy said.

"It's not money Percy!" Aether said.

"Then what is it?!"

"It's life! Your life to be exact." Aether said.

"I'll do it." Percy said confidently.

"Percy. You'll have to die."

"I don't care. Whatever it takes." Percy said. "My life, for everyone else's."

"Percy. I don't want you to do this. Just give me time, I'll find a better way." Aether said.

"Time means dead bodies. Aether. It's my life for their's." Percy said.

"What about Annabeth? She's not going to be-" Aether said, before Percy handed him the letter he had in his pocket.

"I want her to be safe. I want her to have a good life. Once I die, she's gonna be safe. And then she can have a life." Percy mumbled.

"She doesn't want, a life. Just any life. Percy, she wants a life with you." Aether said.

"I know." Percy said. "Nothing else would make me happier, but we'll have that life when she goes to Elysium."

"You're going to die, and you haven't even ask why." Aether said.

"Why, doesn't answer this problem we have. If me dying does, and I want THAT answer." Percy said.

"Annabeth is not going to like this." Aether said. "Percy-"

"I've made up my mind. Since the first time I heard the prophecy. Aether, don't you get it? Mine for theirs. That's it. If that's what it takes, then I'll gladly die." Percy said. "Just- When I'm already dead. Please, give that letter to Annabeth. Keep her safe at all cost. Please. I want you to pull her to safety. I don't want her to see me dead for too long. Bring her here."

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