Capter 10

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*** Holden's POV ***

Looking at Bex's crumpled body on the ground I feel panic and guilt run through my veins. I don't want to leave her there alone yet I can't necessarily wake her up unless I shouted. Knowing she sleeps like the dead I close my eyes hard and think about Bailey's room at home.

I open my eyes and look around her room for her, when I realize she's not there I check the kitchen. "Bailey! Bailey! I need your help!" She walks out of the kitchen in sweatpants and a baggy shirt her black hair pilled on top of her head messily.

When she sees my distressed state she looks around the room for danger. "Bailey it's Bex come on, I'll tell you on the way." I say running another hand through my hair while motioning towards the door in a panic.

Her dark blue eyes meet my identical ones and she nods quickly her lips in a tight line . She grabs dads car keys off of the rack, blindly trusting me though I may get her into trouble and opens the door for me. Once we get outside she opens my car door and closes it before getting in on her side, since she has already gone through this routine many times.

I give her directions and she nods pushing her glasses up with determination in her eyes before giving me permission to go back to Bex saying she'd hear the story later. I smile at her understanding before transporting back to Bex. I look down at Bex and sigh glad that nothing happened while I was gone. I take this time to examine her features as I'd done so many times in the past.

Her long, dark, silky hair lays behind her messily still damp from the river. The moon illuminates each freckle on her pale face. Her small pink lips drawn into a permanent pout. I can't help but think selfish thoughts when I'm around her.

I desire to be around her so much, yet I know that there are consequences to my actions. Her lying on the cold wet ground with scratches all over her side is proof of that. Headlights eliminate the darkness surrounding us and I turn my head to try to make out the vehicle.

Panic runs through me. What if it's a stranger? I can't help her because only certain people can see me. I sit next to Bex and close my eyes tightly hoping that the car is my Dads.

The car pulls to a stop next to us and I grit my teeth while turning to face the driver. A sigh of relief escapes me when Bailey steps out of the car. I gently smile down at Bex and stand up. Bailey drags Bex's limp body into the backseat of the car without an explanation and I wince when Bex's shin hits the car door.

Once we are settled in the car we begin our journey back home. Bailey looks over at me and raises her eyebrows. "You better have a fantastic explanation when we get home." I smile guiltily and gaze back at Bex.

Bailey clears her throat and gives me a look of pity. "Liam just know that whatever happens I'm still here for you. It may be hard at first but Bex needs to know the truth."

I grimace. "About that, Bex knows me as Holden. It would be better if you would refrain from calling me my real name in front of her."

I flinch at Baileys look of fury directed at me. If she could slap me I'd be holding my cheek in pain by now. She sighs deeply and looks away gritting her teeth. "You have to lie enough to the girl is it asking too much to just tell her your real name?"

I cringe and put my head in my hands. "When I was younger I made my first mistake and visited her. I wanted to share details about my life without constantly worrying about her seeing my name in the newspaper."

She pulls over and looks into my eyes seriously. "We've been distancing you from her for years to preserve her life and sanity, don't ruin all this hard work just because you're afraid of hurting."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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