Chapter 5

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After Jackson left I looked back towards the dark trailer and sighed deeply as I made my way towards the screen door.

I take a deep breath and move my hand towards the handle. I cringe, as the screen door squeaks when I open it slowly. I slide in through the crack that I made. I realize that it's pitch black in the house and sigh in relief.

I make my way towards my bedroom quietly and curl up on my bed in a small ball. I yawn and close my eyes only to fall into another dreamless sleep.


I hear stumbling from down the hall and get up to peak through the crack of my door. I peak through to find my mother on the cold floor, drunk out of her mind. I groan and make my way towards her.

"Here mom let me help." I said quietly grabbing her arm. She mumbled something but I didn't quite hear what she said.

"I said get off! I don't need you!" She screamed shoving me to the ground. She jumped on top of me and began to scratch me and pull my hair.

I whimpered quietly. "Oww stop. You're hurting me!" I shrunk back from her. She went to grab me again, with anger evident in her eye's. I screamed and instinctively let my fist fly towards her. I hear a loud thump and my eyes widen in horror.

I had knocked her out.

I turned on the lights to see her sleeping figure on the floor. I took this time to study her features, I look over the freckles dusting her cheeks, her straight dirty blonde hair. I begin to feel guilt which is soon replaced with fear. My heart began to beat faster as I thought of what would happen once she woke up.

Images of her raising a fist to my face as I cower in fear cone to mind. I run my hand over a scar on my arm remembering how it got there. I know what I need to do now.

A few tear's slipped down my face as I left the room, making my way towards my bedroom.

I need to leave.
I repeated these words over and over in my head as if it was my mantra.

Once I was in my bedroom I grabbed my school backpack and emptied the items it contained all over the wooden floors of the trailer.

I screamed, frustrated as I grabbed my clothes and stuffed them inside my bag. Breathing heavily I lifted my mattress to snatch the money I had saved up, from hours of babysitting, underneath it. After I had collected all I would need to run away I sighed deeply and walked away from the trailer into the woods.

Looking up at the trees memory's passed through my head.

I remember my mother standing over me with a knife in her hand, walking towards me with an ugly scowl visible on her face.

Before this had happened, I had made the stupid decision to run towards the door screaming, when she came after me. She had left multiple scar's my back because of that stunt.

More tears rolled down my face as I thought of the day that I told Kelly my secret.

** Flashback **

"Come on Bex just jump in the water's not that cold." Kelly shouted at me, from her spot in her pool.

I bit my lip in thought. I had been wanting to open up to Kelly so bad, I loved my best friend so much, but could I trust her with my life?

I sighed then smiled sadly as I pulled off the long-sleeved dress, that had been covering my scar's and bruises. I gulped, then made my way towards Kelly, who had her eyes closed as she lied on the pool float. I hear a gasp and look down at Kelly, who had fallen off of her float once she had seen me.

She climbed out of the pool with eyes wide. "Bex, how did this happen?"

I told her everything; I told her about my dad and how it affected my mom, I explained where each scar came from, and I shared all the information gathered from my therapist. I had finally told her everything and I was so relieved.

She had hugged me we cried so hard that day. It was the beginning of a different kind of friendship for us. She helped me through one of my hardest times. I was ready to give up, I was so tired of fighting for something that I shouldn't even have to fight for, but Kelly saved me from that reality.

I put my hand over my mouth, holding back a sob. Why me? I've been a good person all my life yet I'm punished like this. I sat down on a stump and put my head in my hands, while I started a list of everything that's ever went wrong in my life.

I hear leaf crunch behind me and I turn my head to see a boy my age. He looks at me, surprise evident in his dark blue eyes. I observe his tall strong figure and long black hair, and my heart begins to beat faster. Who is this boy?

He stare's at me hesitantly before nervously rolling up his sleeves. He opened his mouth then closed it, as something that looked like recognition showed in his eyes, while he looked over my traits. He opened his mouth again.

"Are you okay?"

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