Chapter 2

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                                                                                               *Five years later*

I pull a jacket over my shoulders and glare at the back of my mothers head as I begin to smell cigarette smoke. Rolling my eyes I run my fingers through my waist-length hair trying to prepare to be a completely different person at school. "Bex! If your late for school, I swear-" I ignore my mothers horrid shouting, and tie up my black Chucks before making my way to the door.

I begin to walk out the door, fully expecting my best friend, Kelly's little red car to be parked outside, and curse under my breath at her absence. I guess Kelly's sick, now I'm really going to get punished by my mother. I wish I had a phone to text her and ask if she's coming. Knowing her obsession with being on time I tilt my head back in exasperation.

The honk of a horn pulls me out of my thoughts, I look up to see my other best friend Jackson sitting behind the wheel of his blue pickup truck with a goofy grin. The dust from our driveway is picked up underneath the tires as he comes to a rolling stop in front of the trailer. I roll my bottom lip in between my teeth in annoyance before stepping down a step to make my way to Jackson.

I suck in a deep breath, pushing my chestnut hair out of my face to get a better look. Why is he here? No, he can't be here, nobody from school except Kelly is allowed here.

He starts honking more once he got my attention, trying to make a game out of it. As soon as I began to signal for him to be quiet I hear the screen door bang against the side of my house loudly. I immediately cringe and put a hand above my eyes in an attempt to block out the morning sun as I ignore her presence.

"Bexley!" My mother yells in her shrill, hoarse voice poking her head out of the doorway. Trying my best not to show emotion, I begin to turn around to face the monster that I had to call Mom. Her straight dirty blonde hair lays matted against her head from day's without showering, and her pale sickly skin almost makes me cringe when I see how her bones poke out from under it, because of the drug's.

I look up at her raising my eyebrow, not daring to play her sick little games and speak up. I wait for her to speak first. Little does she know, my stomach drops at her hazel eyes meet mine. I am going to kill Kelly if Jackson steps foot out of that stupid blue truck.

Just as she was about to address me I hear Jackson's door to his truck slam shut, resulting me cringing. The sound immediately catches my mother's attention, her red lined eye's see Jackson, she looks up at me with a sick smirk on her face. His swift footsteps thud against the dirt beneath him. For a split second I worry for the state of his white tennis shoes before shrugging it off.

He places his hand on my arm and sides up to me. "Bex we're going to be late to school if you don't hurry," says Jackson with a little huff. Turning to see my mother looking down at me with anticipation, he smiles wide. "Oh! Hello you must be Bex's mom I'm-"

"Well Mom I better go-" I begin to pull Jackson towards the truck, trying my best not to think of the punishment for addressing her so casually. I hear her scoff and my heart beats rapidly in my ears. I tug on the sleeve of his black hoodie silently begging him to look away from her.

"So are you another one of the boys my ugly little daughter insists on using?" Spat the woman that gave birth to me. Jackson tilts his head in confusion and grabs my wrist protectively.

I was too busy blatantly staring at the needle marks on her arm, which were fresh and puckered, to try to drag Jackson away. "Go on Bex show the boy what your mama gave you." Jackson stares at her in confusion, his mouth gaping open like a fish out of water.

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