Chapter 4

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I get to the door of Kelly's house and knock. I could feel the excitement about my date bubbling beneath the surface. Five day's until my date.

Ashton Briggs asked me out!

"Umm Bex are you with us?" I focus my vision on the man in front of me confused.

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine just a little distracted." I laughed as Kelly's Dad looked at me strangely.

Kelly's family was more my family than anyone else.

"You girls get stranger by the day." He stated while shaking his head in confusion while opening the door for me.

"Honey who's at the door?" Called Kelly's Mom.

"Hey Mrs. Smart how was your day?" I shouted at Mrs. Smart.

She scowled at me, her green eyes, identical to Kelly's, narrowing. "It would be a lot better if you would stop calling me Miss Smart, and not knock. Girl I've known you since you were in first grade you don't need to knock to come in my house." Before she broke into a rant I smiled slyly, and waved bye as I made my way to Kelly's room.

I open the door to see my best friend lying in a heap on her bed. "Kelly?" She looked up at me with her usaly straight perfect shoulder length black hair mussed up on her head.

We sat there for a moment staring at one another, then Kelly sprung up from the heap of covers resulting in her falling. "Bex I'm so sorry, I was complaining to Jackson about it not being able to pick you up, because I'm sick, on the phone and then he said he was going to pick you up. I tried to stop him but it sounded like a good idea, and I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you mad." I looked down at Kelly who was still on the floor and began to laugh.

Kelly looked up at me with shock in her bright green eyes. "Are you kidding me I've been worrying about this all day, and you're going to laugh at me whenever I apologize, see this is why I hate you." Kelly said attempting to get up.

I held out my hand. "I forgive you, I know you didn't mean to make me mad, but just don't do it again. I'm in trouble now."

She looked up at me with guilt in her green eyes as I pulled her up off of the floor. "I'm sorry Bex." She whispered while hugging me.

"It's fine she doesn't get to me like she used to." I whispered back squeezing her.

"There is one more thing I need to tell you. Jackson met my mom, he knows how she treats me, but I lied to him about her hitting me. I awful but I think I'm doing the right thing by not telling him." I told her while sitting down on her bed.

"You know you're probably going to get sick right?" She asked while sitting down next to me.

"Nah I'm invincible!" I stated while smiling brightly.

"Okay Bex, sure you are." She laughed at me.

I gasped loudly.

"What?" Kelly asked concerned.

I squealed. " I can't believe I forgot to tell you Ashton asked me out!"

"Oh my gosh really?" She asked with wide eyes.

I dove into the story of today's event's.


"And then I ran to your door like a seven year old." I finished the run-down with a big grin on my face.

"Knock, knock." Someone said opening the door slightly.

"Come in." Kelly called.

Jackson walked in and immediately wrinkled his nose. "Who died in here?" He asked while bringing his shirt up to his nose.

Kelly glared menacingly. "You, if you keep asking questions."

Jackson put his hands up and surrender, but then his shirt fell from his nose and he started coughing fakely. Kelly chunked a pillow at him in response, resulting in a full blown pillow fight.

"Okay I surrender." Jackson shouted from behind Kelly's desk.

Kelly and I high fived in victory. While Jackson stuck his tongue out at us.

Jackson sighed looking down at an imaginary watch. "Well as much as I love being abused, I've got to take you home Bex."

Kell and I sighed I unison. "Okay fine." I pouted.

I shuffled out of Kelly's room and made my way to Jackson's truck. Once we got in the truck I remembered what happened with my mother this morning, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Bex are you okay?" I looked over at Jackson, who's eyes were shuffling between me and the road.

I reached down to play with the rips of my hair, when his eyes glanced down I let go. "Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired."

He frowned and ran a hand through his hair. I could tell he knew something was wrong but didn't want to push the subject further, I loved him for that.

I leaned my head against the window and decided to get some rest.


A light tickle on my nose woke me from my slumber making me scrunch my nose. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jackson holding a piece of my hair over my face. I grabbed his face and pushed it away.

He sputtered and scowled at me playfully. "That's it! Get out of my truck." He shouted jokingly.

I laughed and opened my door. When I came to the realization that I was home my heart started beating faster and I stopped. Oh God, I was in so much trouble. I've never done anything like this before.

"Bex I was just playing around. I'm not actually mad." He spoke softly, his fingers brushing my elbow as a piece of his curly strawberry blonde hair fell into his eyes.

I looked over at him and gulped. "I know Jackson, so was I." I said with a fake giggle.

"Oh... well... night Bex." He said.

"Night Jackson." I whispered before getting out of the truck.

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