Sunscreen ( mermaid AU)

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Naruto's pov

Schools finally out! I'm free! No more stupid homework,no more lectures,no more noise and wayyy more Sasuke!
I plan on spending most of my summer with Sasuke. It will be fucking great, no more interruptions so we can finally be alone together without his ''fan girls''.

As I walk out of school for the last time in two months I spot Sasuke being bombarded with crying fan girls telling him how they will miss Sasuke over the summer. I roll my eyes as I think ,'he won't miss any of you because he'll be too busy enjoying his summer with me.'  I look back at Sasuke's cold ,stoic and sex- uhm forget that last part um ......I went to look back at his face... He rolled his eyes and then spotted me from the corner of his eye and his whole body relaxed as he walked over and smirked at me. ''Oi dobe you must feel real good about yourself because you don't have to say goodbye.' He was right since I live alone Sasuke tends to sleep over at my house and even has most of his stuff there, after all this he might go to my house to hangout. ''Well damn what gave it away.'' Sasuke got closer and whispered ,'' that dumb smile you have right here.'' Sasuke gently kissed my lips and smirked as I turned red. His fan girls yelled and fainted as Sasuke made fun of me. ''Oi dobe you're redder than a tomato you OK.''

I escaped his taunting as I made my way home. Sasuke was following me walking close behind . If he wasn't my boyfriend I'd think he was some stalker the way he never let himself be more than three paces behind me. 

"Oi Dobe!" Sasuke called "I've been planning a vacation for us since my parents will be gone all summer." Me you and itachi can go to the Uchiha's old vacation house on our island. The Uchiha's are a well off family. They were modest with their riches even though they had two major industrial businesses in Japan and South Korea. They lived in a medium sized Japanese style house along with the upper middle class folk in this town. The Uchiha did not want there sons to grow up spoiled, but know the meaning of hard work so they can successfully take over the family business. "Are you sure Sasuke, we could just go to the beach." I said not wanting to feel like I'm taking advantage of how rich his family is. " C' mon Dobe we can always go to the beach and I know what you're thinking but if I want to share my riches with my future husband then so be it~." Wait what did he say!! "H-husband!" I turned deep red as Sasuke laughed at me , what a teme! 

Sasuke and I finally made it to my condo we didn't have much planned so we chilled on my sofa and watched television until my stomach growled. "Ugh Sasuke get off me I'm hungry." Sasuke pretending to be asleep on my belly smirked a little. "No, he said, if I do your going to make ramen for the sixth time this week." Is he serious! I love ramen and that's just what I eat! All he eats is tomatoes so he cant complain! "Fine rich boy what shall your man slave make for your instead~." Sasuke flipped over "Don't say that i just want something different is that a crime? Fine I will make dinner today so you can't complain and I get a chance to eat something different." Well I guess he has a point so I'll go with it. "Sure what are you going to make?"

Heeyyyy just a little teaser into the second short story in this book think I'll stick with two stories for now and build on to them in (hopefully) a weekly basis. Love you   


Author Chan またね

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