happy thanksgiving dobe

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Today's Thanksgiving and I still have some food to cook with Naruto for dinner he's invited Ino and her loud and annoying girlfriend Sakura. Why he invited these women I still have no clue, they stalk us anyway so it might be fitting to ask them to come instead of catching them spying on us. But I still can't shake this feeling of having such an annoyance in the house when I want to be alone with Naruto. As if on cue Naruto comes in from the bedroom and lays his head on my shoulder and pecks me on the cheek. He does this all on his tippy toes because my little dobe is ''vertically challenged'' if you know what I mean. I stop stirring the gravy on the stove and turn to give Naruto a deep kiss. He turns as red as a tomato when we part which reminds me of my favorite fruit not vegetable I hate when people get that wrong. ''hello anybody home in there?'' Oops as I was deep in thought about my cute dobe he must have been talking.''Oh did you say something?'' I said playfully. In return I got a light punch from Naruto before he continued. ''As I was saying ,I know you really don't want Ino  and Sakura here and I'm thankful you are being so understanding about this but I wanted to know how you felt about them coming over?'' I thought about this and was reminded of the bright smile that dobe had when Ino  accepted the invitation, so for once I'm going to eat my pride and put up with the two of them, only for Naruto's sake of course. ''Knowing how much this makes you happy I'm fine with it just understand the turkey is not the only thing I'm eating tonight.'' I chuckled at the sight of my dobe turning a deeper shade of red. The color suits him it accents his pink lips so well. I turn back to the gravy and continue to stir as Naruto stands frozen for a little while then shakes it off to go decorate the table. ''Don't go over doing it 'Kay dobe we don't want it to look as if a turkey barfed on the table.'' I yelled. "OK teme I got this,hmph!" And with that Naruto went stomping to the dinning room.


After I set up the table Sasuke put the turkey on the table and came trailing behind with the gravy boat. Yes I went to the store and forced Sasuke to buy me a literal boat with a whale on it for Thanksgiving, and this is the year I get to use it. I watched as Sasuke glared at it as I put it on the table. I know he doesn't like it but that teme is going to like it for one day every year whether he likes it or not. As we it the last of the food on the table I hear the door bell ring and Sasuke let's out a deep sigh but quickly covers it up with a smile. He pecks me on the cheek and says"you stay here and finish I will get the door." That took me by surprise, Sasuke was going to open the door for Sakura and Ino, geez if this isn't holiday spirit I don't know what is. I set down the last plate then head to the door to go save Sasuke from the girls when a thought came to my mind. It was about what Sasuke said about not only eating the turkey, but what did he mean by that. As I entered the foyer I saw Sasuke. Conducting a happy conversation with.....Sakura! I never thought I would ever see such a sight but this was it, with fakest smile he was laughing and joking around with our guests st the door."please come in!" Sasuke said guiding them to our dining room. I walked over to him and said"who are you and what have you done with Sasuke?" He looked at me and smirked."remember I'm doing this so I can eat something else tonight as well. What I'm so lost! Me, at a loss for words just stood there and watched as Sasuke laughed at me."OK don't laugh at me teme I seen that the real Sasuke wasn't taken cause your still an ass!" As I walked to the table I saw Sakura and Ino giggling. They must have heard our little disagreement over by the front door. We all sat down and dug into the food. He pie Ino baked was great and Sasuke thought so to but he will never admit it. After the food we said our goodbyes and see you soons. As I watched their car go down the drive way the door shut and I was pinned to the wall. "OK dobe its time for me to eat you just like that turkey." Before I could protest I was pulled into a deep kiss. After our heated make out session Sasuke, breathless whispered "happy Thanksgiving dobe." Then carried my bridal style to our room.

Yay  did it I'm sorry guys I had some stuff going on so I couldn't update but once I missed Halloween I was soooo mad so I'm not going to miss Thanksgiving or Christmas. I am working on part two for more than just friends so no I haven forgotten I'm still writing. I hope you like this even though in sorry its a bit rushed a unedited but enjoy.


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