more than just friends part2

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Sasuke's POV

'What a dobe, his face is priceless.

I chuckled as I saw my dobe's face it looked as if he saw a ghost. OK this has to go according to plan, once he snaps out of it he'll.....OW!

I looked up at a very angry Naruto awaiting his answer.
''That was for leaving me for what two years, not telling me shit, and then coming back and giving me that dumb smile thinking everything's going to be 'OK' that's what that was for teme!"

Crap I've walked into a load of shit how do I get my ass out of this, argh I hate it when Itachi is right!

Naruto's Pov
Who the fuck does he think he is walking in here with that stupid smirk on his face after everything? !

As I angrily stare at the stunned Sasuke in front of me it slowly hits me, how long I've been waiting for him and how it felt to be alone  after he was gone. As all my emotions started to seep in I began to cry. "Naruto are you ok, tell me what's wrong." said  Sasuke , full of worry. "Fuck off you teme I'm fine!" I yelled, but I'm not fine I loved him for so long but now that he is here I'm so messed up. I need to know why......why did he leave me?

Sasuke's pov

I have really messed this up. I never meant to hurt him but like Itachi said I'll tell him everything and cross my fingers he might forgive me.  " Naruto" I say softly " I don't expect you to forgive me so quickly but meet me at the café after school and I will explain it all." He looked at me his tears drying," No secrets this time ,you're going to tell me the complete and honest truth?" I did not have to hesitate and immediately answered," No secrets this time, for all that you have been through you deserve the truth." Naruto  gave me a soft smile as if what I said was something he was waiting to hear from me. "Oh yes and one more thing." He turned to me eager to hear what I had to say. " I love you~" Naruto quickly turned around but I managed to still see his ears redden. Man I really love this little shit.

Naruto's pov

So he's really going to tell me all of it huh. He better have a hell of a good reason for why he left. As I went to third period I wondered if I would have any classes with Sasuke. My thoughts were interrupted by a bang and an irritated grunt. I looked back to see Sasuke fighting with his locker. I chuckled which got his attention. He looked up then looked back down embarrassed that I caught him unable to open his locker. He mumbled something under his breath as I walked over to go help him.

"Hey genius hitting the thing is not going to get it to open any faster." He looked at me and sighed" Well thanks for the information fish cake what would I do without you " sasuke's voice was soaked in sarcasm but I still decided to help the little bastard. " gimme that" I said as I reached out for the paper he got from the office," why?" Sasuke said as he gave me a confused face " do you want help or not." He sighed and handed over the paper and watched me use the combination he neglected to read to open his locker. "Tada!!" I exclaimed and did some jazz hands for emphasis. Sasuke gave me a blank face and mumbled" no need to rub it in ok, usuratonkachi" I shot back " oh so I'm the useless tool... sure coming from the one that can't open a locker " Sasuke gave me the funniest grumpy face and said " tch! Let's go we're going to be late thanks to you running your mouth dobe " and before I could yell at him he was on his way to his next class which to my slight dismay was also my next class. 

Sasuke's pov

Ugh school. The day just started and I already want to leave.  I walked in the classroom and was told to stand in the front an introduce myself to the class. I didn't  really give a shit so I gave a very vague description of myself. " ok guys, I'm Uchiha Sasuke and I don't have many hobbies, and I'm only interested in being with one person, and I see myself with that person in the future and that's all.( a/n : yes I did that on purpose so live with the cringe)

 Why did a few girls squeal at that? Tch! I'm not talking about any of them, ugh hoes. The instructor told me to take any empty seats so I took the best one in the room. The seat right behind Naruto. He didn't look too happy but the teacher said

~~time skip brought to you by Sasuke's duck butt~~

Naruto's pov 

After school I went to the cafe to wait for Sasuke. And I have been waiting for fifteen minutes. How long will this jackass take to get here! And just as I was going to leave Sasuke walked in with....hold on ...Itachi!!! Itachi hasn't been around since Sasuke was five. What is he doing here?! 

" Hey dobe, sorry I'm late I had to go pick up someone." Itachi stepped in front of Sasuke and stretched his hand out gesturing for a handshake. "Hello Naruto,it's nice to see you after so long." I took his hand a shook it firmly " Its nice to see you too Itachi." We all sat down and Sasuke ordered a round of drinks for us he even picked my favorite, but I can't really afford it with the money I make now, crap. " wait no it's fine I won't be able to pay for I'll just get water.. " That's when Sasuke jumped in and told the waiter " Aw, don't listen to the dobe ,he got the idea that he was paying today but I am so grab that drink for him 'Kay."  Wait what Nonono he cant do that!  But before I could protest the waiter was already on his way. I looked at Sasuke and said " you didn't have to do that I can drink water I'm not going to die."  He gave me his signature smirk and said " I remember how much you liked it so I decided buying it for you is the least I can do ." I rolled my eyes at the teme but stopped short when he stopped smirking and got serious. " So this whole situation on my absence is about getting Itachi back. I thought he was dead like my parents but he joined an organization called the Akatsuki. Their morals were all fucked up so that's how I got the message from Itachi to come infiltrate their HQ and get him out , but the catch was that I couldn't tell anyone ,not even you or I could have put you in some real danger since you are the kind the are looking for." I was trying to digest all this information I was receiving but what did I have to do with this?  "What kind are they looking for and why am I a candidate?" Sasuke sighed and answered, " they are looking for all the jinchuriki holding tailed beasts and the Nine tailed fox is at the top of there list" he looked down " I-I'm sorry Naruto I just-" " It's fine I understand and I forgive you Sasuke but next time trust me ,trust we can work this out together."

An//: gaaah I'm dooonnne ,sorry for the wait but it's all good in the hood and I wanted to know if I should keep this fic going and just have little filler fics in between chapters. I'll consider it but until then enjoy

--Author chan~*

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