More than just friends

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This is my first high school au  so I hope u enjoy~


Sasuke's pov

I'm done with my old life its past me now I've moved on ....or have I? Will they let me come back after all this time? It's just too much to think about right now.

~~~at Konoha high~~~~

Naruto's pov

'I wonder if he's still out there...Sasuke why did you leave us ...why did you leave me.'

The bell rang piercing through my head causing me  to stop my thoughts.  I walked and saw Kiba Inuzuka practically eye raping me. I'm not into Kiba, but ever since Sasuke left he has been more persistent on asking me out no matter how many times I turn him down.

"Hey, Uzamaki wanna hang out?"
Please not now Kiba.
"Hey Uzamaki-san are you there, I asked if you wanna hang out?"

"O-oh I'm afraid I cant today." 'or ever!'
" But Uzamaki-san you said that yesterday and the day before."

'Cause I'm avoiding you. '
"I have a very difficult test coming up that I need to study for...alone."

"Ok fine Uzamaki-san but call me if you have any free time 'kay!"

I said a quiet sure as I made my way out of school, I live alone in a small apartment not very far from school its a fifteen to twenty minute walk max.

As I made it two my front door I heard a shout from the distance.

" You don't deserve to live you monster go kill yourself!!"

I just looked at the yelling maniac and shrugged off his comment. I get this a lot so it's s nothing new but after a while it even starts to get irritating to hear the same words from different people. I miss when he  used to give me such loving words I miss Sasuke. I'll never forgive him for leaving us, but the small things he did for me kept me going.

I walked in and set my things in a pile next to my door and collapsed on my couch. I realized this was a mistake as all the thoughts I've been holding in all day came rushing through my head. The only memory that stood out to me at that very moment was what Sasuke said to me right before he disappeared.


"Sasuke where are you going you've been acting weird all day talk to me!"

"Naruto you wouldn't understand I have to find him I need to know what he did."

"What do you mean I wont understand Sasuke.......Sasuke!!!"
I placed two fingers on my temples to ease my throbbing headache. Thinking about this is just too much for me right now I need to fully grasp this first, who was the person he needed to find and why? My stomach announced its discomfort cutting off my thoughts. I looked up at the clock to see the time and realized it was time for me to eat dinner. 'I had been on that couch for a while then.'  I thought to myself as I got up to go make some ramen and I could practically hear Sasuke's voice scolding me on how much ramen I eat. The thought made me sad, I just can't believe that I'll never see him again, I still have that foolish part of me that believes he will show up again with a good reason for why he left.
I snapped out of it when I smelled something burning.
'Shit my ramen!!'
I saved what I could and ate it. Homework was the last thing I wanted to do right now but if I want to pass I have no other choice do I.

Sasuke's pov

'So he still goes to Konoah huh.'
I mumbled typing on my computer. I didn't want to be some kind of stalker but I gotta find him and say sorry.... For every thing.
"He probably thinks I'm an ass or worst...he might think I joined the other side."
I felt my eyes burn as some tears threatened to spill over. Yes me Sasuke Uchiha is about to cry but if it's for Naruto my pride can wait...but how is he going to react when I go to see him?

My thoughts were cut off when Itachi came into my room.
"Seems a lot is on your mind would you mind sharing it with me?"

Itachi is what I left to go search for. I had to see him because if what people said were true I was gonna lose the only family I had left.
"Actually Itachi, that would be great." " it's about Naruto, what if he hates me or moved on, I just.....just don't know what I would do if that were to ever be true."
Itachi's face softened, I loved talking to him nowadays because he is as caring as our mother was.
"To be honest Sasuke I don't think that's like Naruto at all and you know that. He loved you so much when you were there and he probably still loves you now, that's all there is to it Sasuke. Plus you can always tell him why you left, the only thing I can imagine Naruto being mad is because you told him nothing and left him in the dark." Itachi's advice left me bitter sweet but it was the truth. "Only you know what to do Sasuke remember that." and with that Itachi was off to go make himself some tea. I've gotta win him back somehow. "See you tomorrow dobe.'

~~the next day~~

Naruto's pov

Home room and second period was a blur I was on my way to third period and bumped into a stranger dropping all my books.
As he helped me I looked up to apologize but when I looked up I saw....Sasuke!!

He smirked and said

"Oi dobe even after two years your still as clumsy as ever."

**The end**

A/n: ok im just kidding so dont kill me I will make a part two really soon so I hope you like part one ;-) ;-) I had a wonderful source of inspiration for this one shot so I thank you very much.

~requests are always open~

Author- chan

sasunaru*~one shots~ *Where stories live. Discover now