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"JUST LIKE THAT?" Leo questioned in disbelief

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"JUST LIKE THAT?" Leo questioned in disbelief. The smell of Molly's breakfast spread that had been prepared for the group who had been practicially trapped at the Burrow, and the small group of Order members who arrived before the sun even rose completely. "You'll get Scrimgeour to change his mind?"

Kingsley offered Leo a small chuckle as he gathered his cloak to leave, Cooleridge already neared the door as he pulled on his own cloak. "Kingsley can be quite persuasive when it comes to Fudge." he announced.

"And the Minister will get Scrimgeour to change his mind, by next week you should be back at your desk."

"You won't even have to be the new guy I reckon," Cooleridge replied, "you'll get to break in the new guy that Scrimgeour will have to bring in."

          Silence filled the entry way of the burrow and Leo looked over his shoulder to look at the dining room table where Lydia was seated across from Remus Lupin and beside Mona. The morning hadn't been easy for any of them, nobody wanted to hear the details of Voldemorts weak attempts to return. But the small vile that Lupin had tucked away in his pocket that was filled to the top with a shimmering looking strand of memories that Lydia had recounted for all of them. Them memories were going to be in the Headmasters' office at Hogwarts by the time the day ended. And Lydia would be on her way to Hogwarts in a few days time, if it had been up to Shacklebolt she would have been off to Hogwarts along with Remus to give the Headmaster her memories in person, but Lydia wanted a few days to just get back on her feet. She wanted to get ready to disappear before she up and left. Something Sirius didn't like to admit he was envious of. This whole ordeal, being able to do something it seemed to be Sirius' element. He had begun to seem lost, his few interactions with the Order couldn't keep him satisfied for long. And Leo could only bear to be stuck with him and his dirty dishes in one apartment for so long. He hadn't had the opprotunity to prepare to disappear. As soon as he was out of Azkaban, he had to be invisible. He had to be hiding from everyone, except a select group. Lydia, she was going to be hiding in plain sight. Right under Voldemort's nose.

"Think you'll be able to handle that, Black?" Kingsley questioned, amusement in his tone.

"Uh, yeah, I think I'll be able to handle that." Leo replied quickly turning his attention back to Kingsley and Cooleridge who had to hurry to the ministry for their shift.

"Good, you should be hearing from Scrimgeour by Saturday." he replied, "Until then, don't go looking for anymore death eaters."

Leo scoffed, "I'll try not to."

With that, the two of them left the burrow. The pops and cracks surrounded the house as the disappeared.

Leo turned making his way into the kitchen just as Remus Lupin rose to his feet to leave to. "-so you shouldn't need to be too worried about any of them getting to you." Remus finished, looking down at Lydia. "They'd be foolish to even want to even try that route of things, Leo's not much help to Voldemort now that he knows what he was planning."

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