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       LYDIA CORNER HAD NEVER had that much excitement in her life

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LYDIA CORNER HAD NEVER had that much excitement in her life. In school, her grades were the most important thing to her. Her father made sure of that; fun and games don't make for a sustainable future was something he said almost every time that she gave him a recap of what had been happening at Hogwarts during her holidays home. So even at school, she missed out on a lot things like her friends spontaneous trips to Hogsmead, or late night quidditch matches with her classmates like Mona or Charlie Weasley who would join a handful of others to a trip down to the quidditch pitch. For awhile, she regretted it. But as soon as she found that she was one of the first students in her year to be hired by Scrimgeour, it seemed to pay off. Suddenly her late nights studying, or asking about extra credit, it paid off. It got her where she wanted, even though her father had tried to convince her to join another department.

Before she was stuck with Leo Black, her life as an auror wasn't that much more exciting as her life as one of Ravenclaw's brightest students. Her partner before Leo was Gregory Cartman, an aged wizard who could barely see out of his left eye and had scars where his left ear should have been. When he got stuck with her, he didn't sugarcoat a thing. Being an auror had become boring to him since Lord Voldemort was defeated at the hands of Harry Potter. There were only so many death eaters that were still stupid enough to act on the dark lords orders after he was gone, so that meant there were only so many "real evil son of bitches out there left for us" as Gregory put it. But unlike Leo, Gregory had been content with sitting at his desk, waiting for Scrimgeour to send them off somewhere. Unfortunately though, he retired shortly before Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban. Leaving Lydia as a lone auror who had to work with a different auror every case until Leo showed up.

"Woody," Lydia called out into her flat as she shut her door behind her. It wasn't much, but it was a nice space for her to call her own. She had spent a few years looking for a nice place, but none of them ever sat well with her. The muggle neighbors were too nosy, or too uptight for her liking. But here, everyone kept to themselves. And nobody asked questions after they would see a colorful clothed witch like her mother come to visit. "Woody." she called out again as she kicked her shoes off.

Woody had been a stray cat that had spent months scaling the fire escape, sitting outside peoples windows hoping for some food. And Lydia was the only one who started leaving something out for him, eventually she found herself always worrying about him being outside on his own. She figured he had probably escaped from another flat, but nobody had bothered to claim him so she took him in. He had made a terrible habit of clawing at any wooden surface in her flat. He didn't care for any of the scratching posts that she got him, and she ending up having to mend the legs of her furniture two or three times a week.

"There you are..." she sighed heavily as she walked further into the flat, and saw the white cat curled up comfortably beside the heater. As soon as she stepped into view though, his head moved with her and as soon as he saw her walk into the small kitchen to retrieve one of the small cans of cat food, he was on his feet and was standing beside her in a matter of seconds. "you act like I don't ever feed you." she said, looking down at the cat as she opened the can, earning loud meows from him as he frantically began to circle her feet as she stepped towards the water bowl where she set the can down next to. As soon as it was on the floor, the flat was silent again.

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