xviii. woman

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Underwear and statements
doesn't give a break until menopause.
Smooth it until it's more fragile,
when cramps is a style and poking
holes is a white picket fence sex.

Vagina is a participation trophy
and being a slut is progress.
Worship change while I'm on my knees
with three different flavors of dick
on my breath. Use me because
I'm original, choking on being
respected and used condoms.

Consumed by 19th century bitterness,
opening my legs to finally be proud of
being a woman in a world where giving birth
is optional. We are all victims and saints,
my pussy told me so. On my back and
holding signs because oppression put me
there. Women put me on a pedestal
of gratification and hypocrisy for equality.

Femininity is being reborn with menstrual
mood swings and old problems with pointless
favors making women hard and men harder.
Tradition is slower while orgasms are faster,
controlling womanhood with our bodies. Using
our parts for statements and opinions while
revolutions are made between our legs.

dirt & humanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora