xii. trash

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Rust and smoke smells like January
and seventeen. It's like spilling my brain
over headaches and putting it back
from memory—that smell, when I know
it's in the trash. Seventeen hurts like
virginity on a pair of panties I threw out.

January hurts like rust and smoke,
the last scent before gossip and opening
my legs to clean my soul of this body
pounding like a headache in clothes
still smelling like a memory, when I know
it's in the trash along with people and

their intentions.

Rinse and rub perfume on the past
until it smells like a woman is here
instead of a girl breaking apart her January
body for a shred of virginity to bathe and soak in.
Because sex is faking a headache to get
a break from seventeen smelling like trashy

rust and smoke.

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