Chapter 10 - Mate ? Beloved ?

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Dad, Jas and even Cloe were hugging me from every side, I was feeling even worse because by now I was wondering if Cloe had always felt the pull and just never said anything or if it was only now being noticed. It took me a few minutes to calm down before I could finally regain control. I didn't want to be so very different that I needed two mates in order to feel whole. I looked towards Cloe before speaking.

"How long have you felt the pull ?" I asked her. She blinked in surprise and then averted her gaze downward before she spoke.

"Not sense the trial, even your scent didn't really pull me. But when I saw you, when your eyes met mine. I knew." she said quietly.

"Wait, what is she talking about ?" Mom asked curiously.

"She's your beloved.." Dad gasped aloud. I turned to look at him and my face must have shown my confusion.

"Vampire's mates are not found like ours are, they find them by mainly sight, sure scent helps but until they look in their eyes, they are never entirely sure." he explained.

"Wait, I thought I was Ravens mate ?" Jas said, and I detected a hint of jealousy there.

"This has to be from the hybrid nature, both sides need their Mate and Beloved." Dad said as if he solved a puzzle. I was blushing furiously, along with Cloe and Jas at Dad's out burst.

"Now what happens ?" Cloe asked. I had no answer and wasn't sure what to say. I was feeling as conflicted as my Cat at this point.

"For you and Jas, well it is what it is. You both have the ability to decide not to be her mate or her beloved." Dad said quietly and sighed softly while he looked at me, "For you Raven, it will not be so cut and dry. Now that both your Mate and Beloved have been found, you will never feel fully whole with one or the other. Both sides of your hybrid nature will need both in order to be whole. Even if one stayed and the other left, your spirit will yearn for them and you will never be fully happy with out them." he said sadly, Mom was now in tears and he was busy consoling her as best as he could. I sighed and sat back, inside I knew he was right, I could never choose between them now. Both sides of me wanted them both very much.

"So it's easy, we both stay and become Ravens mate and beloved." I heard her say and I couldn't believe it was Jas saying it. I looked over at her like she had grown a second head.

"What, listen I don't know about Cloe, but ever sense I saw her in the Dinning room downstairs, for some strange reason I felt drawn to her. Not as strongly as to Raven, but enough so that I knew one day I would love her." Jas explained while everyone listened. I looked at Cloe who was blushing brightly now.

"You felt the same thing didn't you ?" I asked her while she nodded slowly.

"And what would be your view of being mates to two women ?" I asked Cloe. She blinked several times before she smiled through a deeper blush.

"I would be very pleased to be both of your Mate." she admitted.

By this time Mom and Dad both left the room and slipped out the door quietly. The three of us spent the rest of the night talking and finally cuddling while a movie played up on the screen. At one point Cloe asked if they could see my Cat and I shifted. While Cloe was more ready to snuggle against my Cat, Jas took a while to warm up to her and soon found herself snuggling as well against my Cat. And that was how we ended up falling a sleep, my two mates curled around my Cat form and all of us sleeping soundly.

We did not just jump into a mating ceremony, we decided we all needed time to get to know if this was something we could all live with, we could all enjoy together. Lets face it if even one of us was not happy, it could tear apart the entire group. Cloe was watching from the side lines while Jas was training against one of the Warriors. Now remember I told you all how much stronger we are then humans, right ?  Well in order to use that strength you have to be able to touch them. Turns out Jas's sparring and training was a lot like the way some of our Fathers taught their kids how to swim. Throw them in the deep end and hope they don't drown before you can rescue them. Well for Jas it was the same, they locked her in a huge cage a 100 yards in diameter and let a pissed off Were take off after her. Thankfully none of those Weres were cats or she would not be here.

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