Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Like any good story it should have a begin, a middle and even an end. Now I could say 'Once upon a Time, blah, blah, blah and then we all look for a trash bin to puke in. But I'm not one for barfing so how about we don't do that ?

My name is Raven Greywolf, I was born at Home within the Greywolf Pack House 17 years ago. And yes I am a Werewolf. Now I should explain a few things, first Werewolves are born, not made. You can kiss, make out, even be bitten and scratched. If you are Human you will not suddenly shift on a full moon and go silly crazy. Nope as a human you are quite safe with a Werewolf. Now if a Human gets pregnant by a Werewolf or a Werewolf gets pregnant by a Human, their werewolf gene will dominate and a Werewolf child will be born. Now Werewolves are not the only Were's, there are Bears, Cats of many species and even a few Birds but Wolves are the most common.

Now Vampires are different, being Undead and all. First Vampires are created, not born. The problem is most Humans are immune to the venom used in the creation, it is a painful and long drawn out process. And it equates to maybe 1 in 50,000 humans capable of making this change. Something about venom and what not acting more like some sort of disease. Those who are immune end up getting sick for a few days and then they are off enjoying their lives once again. Those who change become Vampires and they get to enjoy life as an Immortal with a Blood Habit.

Still hanging in there ? Good, okay so Vampires tend to congregate much like Werewolves, they call their group a Coven, we call ours a Pack or a Clan. Just depends on the name of the group. My Pack as I said is the Greywolf Pack, we have been around for many, many generations. We use to have books that told of our Histories dating back a few thousand years, but back when my Grandfather was the Alpha, we were attacked by Rogues. The Pack House burned to the ground and it took nearly the whole library with it.

Now Vampires have a second half inside them just like Werewolves have their Wolves inside them. Both can Take over in extreme situations, once that happens, well they become Rogues. Mindless beasts that look to destroy anything that moves. Now normally it only happens when their Mate dies, if they were killed by someone, the beast looks for revenge, but once they have killed the murderer, they just keep killing their focus for revenge is lost. My Grandpa had to put down his own Brother when his wife was killed by a Vampire. He tore up the entire Coven in order to kill the Vampire who killed his mate.

Vampires are not the strongest or the fastest. It depends on the Wolf, but for the most part if you compare age, strength and rank. Along with fighting skills, the Vampires and Werewolves are on pretty equal footing. Normally the Covens are ran by a leader, male or female, doesn't matter. What matters is if they have Royal Blood flowing in their veins or not. If they were created by a Royal, then they will become one themselves, something about a sharing of their blood during the conversion process. 

Now Werewolves are a bit different, most are born into their rank and power based on their parents. Now and then though a lower rank couple can give birth to one of higher rank. And the same can happen in reverse. The higher your rank, the stronger you are, normally. I say that because my younger brother was born as a Beta and not an Alpha like our parents. Now then being born first does not always mean you are automatically going to be the next Alpha. The current Alpha decides who the heir is and there is no arguing over it either. If he decides he can not choose, both kids are of equal standing, both have the pack interests at heart, then he can decide to allow the Moon Goddess to decide, which means both will fight to see who has the right to lead, this does not mean it's a Death match, one can also win by knocking out the other or by making them submit. That's kind of rare as well, but it happens.

A Werewolf in human form is stronger then a human, think of it in terms as this. Take the strongest Human in the World and multiply that by ten and you will have the strength of the weakest of our kind. Yep you heard correct, the weakest of us could give a Humans strongest a beat down they could never imagine. Now remember each rank upwards means their strength naturally increases. An Alpha compared to the weakest is nearly twenty times stronger. Something to do with.. you know what, I have no idea why it is, just believe me when I say it's normally true. Now I say normally, there are exceptions, take me for example, I have no idea why but I have been stronger then my Father, our current Alpha, sense I was 10 and it scared the crap out of me when I realized it. Lets face it if you knew there was something not quite right about you, you tend to hide it and that is what I did.

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