Chapter 5 - The Beast

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Looking back I was still shocked that my blood not only killed off the many poisons and viruses that were introduced but rapidly replaced and grew stronger. As if every attack only made my body develop more immunities. While Mom and Dad were thrilled that I could not be killed, technically, it also meant that I was far different from anyone else. 

To insure that I would be immune, Dad and I decided to allow myself to be infected by many of the most common ones. Jesse provided a few of the more exotic poisons that Vampire's and Witches used. I sat in a Pack Infirmary for almost a month before I was considered healthy and immune to most everything. It was painful and I felt gross from all the sweating while my body adjusted and adapted to the various poisons. I had lost track of time during that month and realized my 18th Birthday would be tomorrow. My Animal was terribly excited and eager to be known to everyone. I had my doubts, if the what the Agent said was true, it was a good chance I was not a Wolf. I could be anything.

The Agent had to know something more, with determination I walked to the cells where he was housed. During their examination they had found two tracking devices. One Implanted under the skin on his thigh and another shoved up his ass. Are these people for real ? 

I walked up and looked over at him and sat down at the Chair that was outside his cage. I remained emotionless and stared at him. He tried to ignore me, but that didn't last long and so he started making crude and some lewd comments, still no reaction from me. He went back and forth from ignoring me to yelling and back again.

"Alright.. stop staring your are creeping me out. What the hell do you want ?" he finally asked in a defeated sigh. I smiled inwardly, the video cameras would record everything and most likely was being watched by my Dad even as I was sitting here.

"Tomorrow I shift for the first time. I was wondering if you could give me a heads up on what I could expect." I replied evenly. My Animal seemed most amused by this.

"I really don't know what it is. I have my own theories though." he admitted. When I made no sound and just stared he waved his hands in defeat, "Alright stop that.."

"First of all Wolves are pack hunters. They have stamina for long runs and given a descent chance they can take down most anything that invades." he explained and I nodded my head.

"They would be no good for what was being planned. With out a pack behind them a single wolf can be brought down, their strength isn't enough. Their ability at stealth is moderate at best." he explained and while I hated to admit it, he was right.

"A Bear would be out, most are lumbering brutes at best. And Birds, well while good for scouting, their ability to fight makes them unusable." he said and shrugged. I nodded in agreement with that assessment as well.

"Now a Feline, they are good as a Pride or as a Loner. They are silent predators. A few are capable of speeds that exceed the Wolves, but they can't hold it for very long. Most are good ambush type killers, waiting in the dark for their target and dropping on them when least expected. They also have an enormous amount of patience, they can wait hours for the perfect strike." he explained and smiled lightly.

"Now imagine what would happen if you took each cats best abilities and combined them into a single cat. " he mused softly.

"Are you saying they did that to me ?" I asked.

"I am only theorizing, all I know is with the technology they have, what they accomplished, would it really be so far fetched ?" he asked in return, "Imagine dropping such a person near a pack. They slip inside the pack, capable of hiding their scent, fading into the shadows, they slip into each open window, each door and with a quick swipe of claw or dagger, each pack, clan, coven and pride is eliminated with very little effort from the assassin." I stood up and moved from the cells and back towards the Pack House. I had noticed after I turned 15 that while everyone else growled a lot. I rumbled and when I was angry I didn't growl loud like everyone else, I roared like thunder rolling through the hills. Everyone sounded a little different from each other and most just seem to take it in stride when it came to me.

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