Chapter 3 - Spies and the past

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Dad with Mom, myself, along with Chris the First Beta and two Omegas sat in a room while the Agent sat in a chair bound and facing us. After his admission that he was spying on me and watching me closely. Everyone wanted answers, because at the moment he knew exactly who and what we are, and by proxy it meant the CIA did as well.

"Why are you following my Daughter ?" my father demanded to know. The Omegas had been working on his emotions and generally making him more susceptible to any questions asked of him.

"She is special, unique, the first of her kind." the Agent responded while I sat there wondering what the hell that meant.

"Explain why you think that." his voice more moderated, my Father had asked the question.

"And how do you know about us ?" my Mother asked as well.

"The Cia learned about the Vampires and Werewolves by accident in Europe. They were actually following a strange shipment of what they thought were designer drugs. Upon testing a sample they found the supposed drugs was in fact a solution extracted from a plant, it has a long name to it but most call it Wolves Bain. When they began to keep track of theses people we learned of Vampires and Werewolves." He explained slowly while everyone listened and waited for him to continue, one of the Omegas gave him some water and after he wet his throat he continued.

"They captured two from each group, basically the buyers and sellers. They began testing them, experimenting on them. After nearly three decades of research, they found the gene for Vampirism and for the Werewolves as well. They even started trying to combine the strains." he said quietly then looked at me specifically.

"We had found several packs through out North and South America. Once located, we developed stealth technology that could hide our scent, make us blend into the scenery easier. We slipped into Hospitals and when no one was around, we injected this new strain into the babies born." several gasped.

"None survived, there was only one who was actually injected during the first trimester of pregnancy. Once she was born we watched her closely, she would become the ultimate Weapon that could be used to stop the Werewolves and Vampires from exterminating the rest of Humanity." he explained even as he drooped slightly from the extended interview.

"How many others were born ?" I asked.

"Just the one. " he answered.

"And how would you control such a creature ?" I asked frowning lightly.

"We were suppose to put in a dermal implant that would give us full control before your abilities would fully manifest and before you fully matured. We never got that chance." he admitted. It was probably true, normally once the first trimester has been achieved, Mothers had no need to return until delivery. For me though I came early and as a huge surprise, born right here at home on the kitchen floor in the middle of the spaghetti noodles my Mom had toppled over. The Pack Doctor checked us both out and except for the burns from hot water on my Mom's ass, we were both fine.

"So you are saying I am this genetic experiment ?" I stated flatly while my parents frowned and shook their heads. 

"Yes, you are the First." the Agent said slowly. The fatigue of internally trying to fight against the Omegas was beginning to show now.

"So I am Half Werewolf and half ?" I asked aloud knowing everyone was curious as well.

"Vampire.. " he said slowly and glanced up with a smirk as he added, " ... and who says the other half is Wolf, we found many others, true they were harder to find but the head Scientist wanted the strongest of them for our Weapon... " then we watched him slump as he passed out from the strain.

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