Chapter One: Big Day

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The ending of Merlin truly had me convinced they were gonna kiss in their last scene together.

The castle was bustling with life as the servants prepared for a visiting princess from a land not too far away from Camelot. Among the servants, Merlin was in the middle of the chaos trying to prepare Arthur's breakfast so the young Prince could start his day. His hands fumbled over cheeses and sausages trying his best not to mess up the assortment while also trying to be quick enough to avoid being in anyone's way. Usually, he didn't prepare Arthur's breakfast but the cooks were too busy preparing for the dinner that would be held later in the day.

He grabbed the tray and rushed out of the kitchen making sure not to bump into anyone as he escaped the morning rush of an event day. The nearly empty halls made his shoulders relax and his steps weren't as frantic as they had been just moments ago. He enjoyed mornings in the castle when everyone was just getting in and the occupants were still sleeping. The stillness of it all made Merlin want to freeze time and stay there for as long as possible, but he knew that was impossible.

Merlin felt a sigh escape his lips as he pushed open Arthur's door. He ignored the guards that gave him bored looks not even phased by his presence. Merlin kicked the door closed as he stepped in making sure to do it as quietly as he possibly could. He placed the tray on the table in Arthur's room and made his way towards the closed curtains. Merlin glanced at the sleeping prince and immediately felt his heart skip a beat.

Arthur was sprawled out on the bed with his hair messy and his leg dangling slightly off the edge. He saw Arthur nearly every morning but still found his self amazed by how young the Prince actually looked when his face was relaxed. He drew the curtains back in a swift movement making sure he didn't stare at Arthur for too long. Merlin knew how odd it would be if Arthur woke up and saw Merlin staring at him with a lovestruck look on his face. He also knew he probably wouldn't hear the end of it from Gwen who would find out somehow.

"Rise and shine!" Merlin spoke loudly startling the Prince awake.

Arthur let out a groan and started reaching for what Merlin assumed was a pillow. Merlin knew it'd be thrown at him if he didn't move so he hastily walked over to Arthur's breakfast. Arthur opened his eyes and sat up his hand clutching onto one of his many pillows. He was about to throw it when he realized that if he did he had a good chance at hitting his food also. Arthur let go of the pillow and rubbed at his face while also giving Merlin a tired glare.

"Why must you be so loud?" Arthur complained.

"You have an important day today." Merlin started grabbing Arthur's outfit for the day his false cheeriness undetected by Arthur.

"Don't remind me." Arthur huffed as he sat up from his spot.

"Are you not excited, sire?" Merlin hummed as he placed the clothes on Arthur's bed.

"Why would I be excited?" Arthur scoffed, "my father is trying to marry me to a woman I don't love."

Arthur sat up his lip curled and his eyes icy. The silence that filled the room usually occurred during events involving Arthur's hand in marriage and Merlin hated it. They always ended up having an argument whenever a woman came around. It was almost like an unspoken rule the two had specifically for times like this. They never really saw eye to eye during the events and almost always ended up not talking to each other the week after.

"Sorry." Merlin murmured but Arthur only ignored him and slipped out of bed.

"If you don't mind I'd much rather be alone this morning." Arthur's feet padded against his floor as he made his way towards his breakfast.

Merlin opened his mouth to say something but decided to keep it to himself. He merely nodded and stepped out of the room without a glance back. His heart was pounding against his ribcage and he felt his cheeks flare red, he nearly turned back around about ready to give Arthur a piece of his mind but knew better not to. The only thing he could do was keep walking and only think about what he would say to Arthur rather than actually say it. Merlin sometimes wished he could challenge Arthur much more often just so he could say what was on his mind instead of bottling it all up.

Merlin kept his head down making sure he was calm before getting back to Gaius. He sighed looking at his worn down shoes and steadying his breathing. He was about to turn the corner when someone bumped him on the shoulder making him lose balance. Merlin tried to regain his balance but ended up with his bottom on the ground and a slight pain in his lower back.

"Apologies, Merlin, I was not paying attention to where I was going." Gwaine smiled sheepishly as he extended his hand out for Merlin to grab.

Merlin took his hand and gave him a smile, "all is well, Gwaine."

"Is it well? You seem upset, Merlin?" Gwaine commented still holding Merlin's hand.

"I'm fine." Merlin gave him a weak smile, "just tired."

Gwaine gave him a skeptical look but didn't press the matter further, "care to join me? I'm going to the woods with the rest of the knights."

"I have to help Gauis with some herb gathering." Merlin lied, "another time, Gwaine."

Gwaine nodded and reluctantly let go of Merlin's hand. He gave Merlin a small smile before going on his way. Merlin let out a sigh and finally returned to his chambers not sure what to do with himself now that Arthur had dismissed him. Gauis sat at his workstation not paying any mind to Merlin who stood at the doorway his eyes steely and his breathing heavy.

Gaius looked up and raised an eyebrow, "Is something the matter, Merlin?"

He stammered for a second and then took in a deep breath trying to calm himself before speaking. His hands were shaky and he felt his heart thudding against his ribcage once again. Gaius watched him with hesitant eyes before getting up and making his way towards Merlin. Merlin huffed and walked down the steps his knees wobbly. Arthur rarely got him this upset, but when he did Gaius seemed to be the only one that could calm him down.

"It's Arthur he's being an absolute prat!" Merlin's cheeks flared with a blush.

"More so than usual?" Gaius questioned.

"The king has brought another suitor into the kingdom and Arthur thinks it's okay to take his anger out on me." Merlin explained, "I'm doing my job and he still treats me like sh-"

"Merlin." Gaius spoke with a stern tone and Merlin shut his mouth.

"Sorry, I'm just frustrated." He took a seat on one of the steps and Gaius nodded.

"Give him his space and everything will be okay." Gaius tucked his hands in his sleeves.

"I will." Merlin sighed defeated.

Gaius gave him a sympathetic smile and took a seat beside him on the stairs. Merlin looked over at the older man who patted his shoulder. He leaned into the touch feeling as though a weight had lifted off of his shoulders. He knew coming back and expressing his feelings to Gaius would make him feel better.

"Come on, I have some errands I need you to run." Gaius patted his knee.


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