Mr. President ▪ Felix

Start from the beginning

I chose to sit at the back part of the room where nobody will annoy me. I thought transferring is exciting but I think it's not. Not all are friendly.

"Transferee, introduce yourself in front."

"Hi! My name is Reina Gualdalajara. I hope we can be friends." I said awkwardly.

"Explain why you transfered." The teacher said. I nodded and start speaking.

"I transfered because-"

"I'm really sorry I'm late." I was cut off by someone who spoke near the door. The door is now widely open and it showed us a boy who is sweating and panting.

"Mr. Piquero, you are so responsible to your task as the President but irresponsible as a normal student. Why are you late?" She said.

"I'm late because I listed some students who aren't wearing their uniforms." He said. He glanced at me and then look at me again, realizing that I'm one of the reasons why he is late.

"Okay then. Tour Miss Gualdalajara after classes. You have your whole afternoon to do that." She said. I looked at him as I slowly walked back to my seat.

He sat in front of me and then faced me.

"This is all your fault Miss." He said. Whoa? Was is that? Why does his annoyed voice sounds like a gay?

When the bell finally ring, I fixed my things. Some of the boys in the class greeted me on my way outside the classroom.

"Hey Miss!" A tap on my shoulder stopped me from stepping further.

"What?" I asked, not looking behind.

"I have to tour you." He said and remove his hands from my shoulder.

"Is this school a tourist spot? No need. I'll surely be okay." I said. He block my way immediately. "But it's my duty so it's okay."

"Ugh! Can't you see that I'm totally annoyed by your presence?" I exclaimed.

"Please." He pleaded. I surely am weak when a person says the word 'please' so I agreed.

"So who are you again?" I asked as we walked to the itchy grass towards their so called green room.

"Frank Piquero." He coldly said. We already walked half of the campus but he is still cold. Maybe I really hurt his feelings for talking so rudely to him.

"Frank. I'll call you Franky." I said and smiled at the thought. It's my first time to be with a guy this long. Well, except for family members.

"Don't ever call me that." He replied.

"Why not?" I asked out of curiosity. I want to talk to him as possible to at least lessen the awkwardness between us.

"Only one person can call me that. And it's not you."

"Hmm. . .someone from the past I guess." I chuckled. I stopped when he looked at me.

"Why do you look so familiar?" He asked all of a sudden. I raised both of my eyebrows and then shrugged. I don't know what he is talking about. It's my first time seeing him.

"The first time I saw you, I can really find similarities to someone I know from the past."

"Oh! That's creepy." I laughed.

"Yeah. Nevermind." He laughed.

"Woah! You just laughed. Seriously, your laugh even your smile are super expensive." He looked at me as his smile slowly fades.

"You deserve my smile." He said and smiled sweetly. I stared at his eyes for a moment before realizing what he just said.

I slapped his arms. "Eww that is so cheesy." I commented. Actually, it is really cheesy to the point that I feel like I'm already blushing.

• • • •

Acquaintance came. I wore my PE uniform and my favorite nike sneakers as I go to school. The passed few days, I've met a lot of friends and it is because of Frank. Not that it's also his friends. My friends are the ones who violated the school rules.

"You know what I heard?" Jihyo said as she stopped her track.

"What?" I asked.

"There will be like a message reading booth. Kyaah! I'm excited to send message there and Frank will surely hear it." She squealed out of excitement. Ever since she was being warned by Frank for violating the school rule, she started having a crush on him.

Jihyo stared at me for too long that I have noticed it. "Is there something on my face?"

"Nah! You are just gorgeous today. With messy bun and specs plus the cool folded style of your PE pants. That's new to me. Are you crushing on someone?" She suspiciously asked.

"I hope so but sadly, I'm not." I honestly said. I'm pretty sure I don't like guys right now. Well, except for Frank who really became close to me. But he is not my crush as well.

"Oh well. . ." She said and continued walking. We passed through a lot of booths and stopped at the so called Message Reading Booth.

Jihyo gave them a piece of paper and the Student Council accepted it with a smile. One of them told Jihyo to wait for her message to be read because there are still tons of papers waiting. The Student Council P.I.O get the microphone and start reading.

"This is an announcement for everyone. I am warning you to never touch the girl with a messy bun and spectacles. The one with folded PE pants. That's the rule for today. Anyone who violates, expect to be in the detention room after the program.

                                               -Mr. Pres."

"Ohmygod. . . Is that you? Wait wait wait. Mr. Pres. Mr. Pres? Frank? Is that a message from Frank referring to you?!" Jihyo said nonstop. I looked at her with confusion. The message is for me? But why?

"OMG! Frank likes you? Huh? He likes you?" Jihyo asked. I just shook my head. I don't really know what to respond.

"Excuse me? Are you Miss Gualdalajara?" A cute freshman asked me that diverse my attention from the message.

"Yes dear. Why?" I asked. She just smile and gave me a piece of paper before walking away.

"You are the summer to my winter heart. Thank you for coming into my life. You've change me."

That's what is written on the paper. What is this all about? As I'm still processing what is happening, I turned my gaze to Jihyo who is covering her mouth while slowly walking backwards. Is she seeing some ghost behind my back?

"Hey! Are you Miss Gualdalajara?" I looked at my back and saw Frank chuckling. I slapped him and laughed.

"Of course I am you silly idiot." I said then he gave me another piece of paper.

"If you are Reina Gualdalajara, then I just want to say to you that I like you."

-Frnk Pqr

• • • • •

Too many fillers for this chapter and I'm really sorry about that 😁 I'm just into the mood to add situations not related to the main point of the story.

This is actually for my friend who likes a particular guy haha. Thank you for reading! Xoxo

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