Chapter 7

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"Markus?" Kara asked looking at the android who once helped her.
"Your the android who needed passports....the one looked after the......" he paused and looked at Alice "the girl."
Kara nodded her head slowly.
"Were you followed?" Markus asked carefully.
"No, no we weren't" Kara shook her head. Markus looked left and right before letting Kara and Alice in. Kara and Alice took off their jackets.
"There's a spare room upstairs, down the hall, you can use it if you want" Markus said without a smile.
"Thank you." Kara says and then heads upstairs with Alice. Alice sits on the bed and looks at Kara sadly. Kara sits next to her.
"Are you ok." Kara asked pitifully.
"Do think Rose is in danger." Alice asks looking down. Kara hesitates to answer for sec.
"I don't know but we should hope for the best that she will call." Kara reassured Alice. A science rained over for a couple seconds.
"Before you shut down you said something to me, do you remember." Kara asked curiously. Alice looked at Kara and nodded. It was a couple seconds of quiet before someone said something.
"I thought I lost you forever." Kara told Alice sadly. "I almost gave up on living." She then told her.
"I'm glad you didn't" Alice said looking her in the eye and then scooted closer to Kara and gave her a warm embrace. Kara felt herself beginning to tear up.
"I love you." Kara whispered the words Alice didn't live to hear the first time. Alice felt a tear role down her cheek. It was quiet for a couple of seconds.
"You should get to bed." Kara said with a smile. Alice nodded her head and Kara undressed her. She then tucked in Alice. Kara gently placed her right hand on Alice's right cheek.
"We're gonna finds rose tomorrow." Kara reassured Alice. Kara bent over to give Alice kiss on the head.
"Goodnight." She whispered.
"Goodnight." Alice said sweetly. She felt her relationship with Alice go up tremendously.
Kara then shut the door and switched off the light. Kara went downstairs to join Markus and another girl that had been with.
"I never caught you name." Markus said casually.
"Kara." She said folding her hands together.
"North." North said cooly.
"Lasts time I saw you, you were getting did you end up here in Detroit again." Markus asked.
"It's a long story." Kara said coldly.
"We have time." North shrugged from her boredom of living in the lonely house. Markus gave North a cold look. Kara just knew it wouldn't matter and besides it was the leader of Jericho so she could trust him. Markus made a hand gesture towards a chair. She didn't know where to begin.
Kara explained everything to Markus and north from meeting rose to losing.
"You and this girl seem to have a lot history this story huh." North asked.
"That's another really long story, but me and her besides the point, what are you guys doing in a ace like this." Kara asked with a confused expression.
"Androids still get hunted so the leaders of Jericho split up around in case someone escapes. Sometimes humans come but we turn off the light and we board up everything so nobody can see." North explained.
"Im gonna head to bed" Markus told them and then went down the hall to his room.
"Do you love her?" North asked out of the blue.
"Alice?" Kara asked confused. North nodded.
"Yeah of course. I've only known so long but I couldn't live without her and I know,  she feels the same." Kara told North.
"Wish I could say the same about Markus." She said coldly.
"You don't love him?" Kara asks.
"I do i just.....I think it would be hard but I could live without him. He's always so cold. But so am I so we make a good match." She gives a chuckle.
"How did it feel when you found it she was an android." North then asked randomly.
"No different. I still loved her." Kara said honestly.
"She's a lucky girl have the mother she always wanted huh." North mocks.
"It's not perfect for her. She was beaten by her father and then she had a real father figure but he died sacrificing himself for us. It's been hard without him." Kara admitted.
"There was another?" North asked.
"The one that helped us find rose. His name was luther. He did so much for him to just die."
"Markus was once shot and everyone thought he was dead but he wasn't and was able to recover. He ended up finding Jericho after that." North told kara.
"Your not saying that luther may be Alive are you?" Kara asked confused.
"Anything can happen Kara." North said wisely and then head to her room. Kara starred blankly into space with her thoughts for a couple seconds.
"Could luther really be alive?" She heard a young voice ask. Kara looked up thee stairs to see little Alice. Kara starred at the confused Alice.
"I...I don't know......Maybe. What are you doing up." Kara asked changed the topic.
"I'm scared." Alice admitted with her voice shaking.
"Of what." Kara asked walking up the stairs. Alice shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't want be alone." Alice confessed looking away.
"You never will be again." Kara reassured Alice putting both hands on her cheeks. Alice hugged Kara.
"Will you stay with me kara." Alice asked in a somewhat shy manner. Kara smiled to herself.
"Of course." Kara said sweetly and brought Alice back to the room. Kara then tucked Alice in once. Kara sat on the bed next to Alice and decided to lie down. After a couple seconds of Kara lying down Alice turned over and cuddled with Kara. Kara was a bit taken by this bold daughter like act from Alice.
"I love you mom." Alice said in a sleepy like manner.
Kara felt like a real mother at that point and they both went to bed peacefully.

This chapter was so cuuuuute. AAAH. I remember from my childhood when I got scared I would run into my parents room. I don't know if I'm the only one who did that but since Alice is like 9 I figure that was like the right age range for that. Also it was super cute and a great bond session for kara and Alice. She's never called Kara Mom without their being a heavy situation. I don't know how to go about North and Markus responding to Alice and Kara which is why it took me. Awhile to write this. I rewrote the chapter a bunch of times. Anyway I hope you enjoyed

DO YOU THINK LUTHER  IS ALIVE???? leave a comment below BYEEEE

Detroit Becomes  Family: A Kara and Alice story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora