Chapter 4

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All the Jerry's starred at Alice. The lead jerry walked up to her.
"Alice! You have come back. What a joy." The jerry said frantically. Alice gave them a sad look.
"You are sad. But why?" The jerry then asked. Rose our her hand on Alice's arm.
"Kara is in danger and Alice just knew you would all help." Rose explained to the jerry.
"Some of us went to the border to get away. Two of them made it across but they would not have if not for Kara. We are in her debt." The jerry told rose looking away to remember.
"Great. Kara was taken by Detroit police and I'm wanted. We know their connected to why she was taken. The point is would you have any idea which police station in Detroit they would have been taken to?" Rose asked the jerry a bit frustrated with the circumstance.
"A jerry once taken. We were able to communicate until he was killed. He had been questioned for deviancy. He knew nothing but they didn't care." Jerry paused. "He told us that he was kept in locating away from the station. A specific place in Detroit where unimportant questioned androids were kept." Jerry then told them.
"Where was the location?" Adam asked. Jerry held out his hand to Alice. Alice looked at Rose and back to the jerry. She reached her hand out and slowly the white Of there arms indicated the connection. Alice was able to see the whole area. Alice and Jerry slowly drew back their arms
"I know where it is." Alice told rose frantically.
"Thank you." Rose told the jerry. The jerry let out a tender smile and retuned to the other Alice Jerry's.

Kara felt sad and lost. How could she not? she couldn't give away rose's location but if she died what would have been the point of going to Canada. Everything felt unfair. She made it to Canada all for nothing. For Alice to die and then have herself get captured. What was even the point of living if you feel dead already. Kara just knew this was her end. She was hopeless.

Rose, Alice, and Adam arrived near the area where Kara was supposedly located.
They looked around the area from where they were parked.
"The question is how would we get in." Rose asked aloud not taking her eyes off the facility. Alice's eyes wandered around the area until her eyes struck and opening.
"There look." She pointed to the small hole in the gate.
"I'm to big to fit in there Alice."  Rose pointed out.
"But I'm not. I'm just the right size." Alice then suggested.
"No Alice. It's to dangerous. You could get hurt or worse killed." Rose denied the offer.
"I have to. It's the only to save Kara." Alice pleaded. Rose thought of her options. She looked around the perimeter of the car.her eyes met a heavy looking rock. She opened the car door and picked it up. She then went back inside and gave it to Alice.
"If your going to do this then be prepared for anything." Rose Warned Alice. Alice nodded her small head.
"Good luck." Rose wishes Alice bring her into a small embrace. Alice stepped out of the car and quietly snuck over to the crawl space near. She slowly enters the facility. She sneaks behind a corner to see a guard watching the security footage. He was also guarding the area that had a sign that said androids. Alice thought of what Kara would do in a situation like this one. She knew that Kara would have used a human excuse. She walked forward with her hands behind her back so she wouldn't expose the rock. The guard saw her.
"Hey there little girl. What are you doing here?" He asked confused.
"I got lost and couldn't yell for help because I'm losing my voice." Alice spoke in a whisper.
"Do you know where your parents are." The man asked her. She nodded her and made a hand motion so she could whisper in his ear. He kneeled down so he could be at her height level. Alice opened her mouth to speak but instead of talking like the guard intended she hit him over the head with a rock. He fell to the ground passed out. She knew it wasn't hard enough to keep him out long. She was about to go to the room when she saw the keys hiding on his belt. She quickly grabbed them and ran to the room where Kara was.

Kara sat with her head buried in her knees into her chest. She could swear to herself that she heard the faint sound of someone calling her name. She thought she was going mad as the voice got louder. She even noticed it sounded a lot like Alice. She thought it must have been some type of cope for misery and acceptance maybe. She then heard the voice again. It was so clear this time she started to wonder if it wasn't in her head. Kara stood up and began to put her hands on the bars.
"I'm here." Kara would repeatedly yell until her voice came to a halt and she became frozen for a split second. Kara began to breath heavily with disbelief.
"Alice" she cried with joy
"Kara!" Alice exclaimed happily. Alice then took the key and unlocked it. Kara came out of the cell and dropped to her knees to bring Alice into a warm embrace.
"I thought i might never see you again Alice." Kara told her with tears beginning to fall down her face. Kara then reminded that Alice was alone and pulled back looking at her.
"Why did you come for me. You could have gotten yourself killed." Kara asked concerned
"I couldn't let them kill you." Alice sniffled. Kara pulled Alice back into a hug. Kara releases once more.
" we have to get out Kara. We don't have much time before the guard wakes up." Alice said standing up and pulling Kara along with her hand. Kara runs along without question. As they were about to get out the door where the androids were Alice looked back at all the other androids.
"Wait Kara." Alice tugged.
"Alice we have to go." Kara tried pulling Alice to leaves.
"We can't just leave them." Alice told her with sorrow in her eyes. Kara thought of to run or set the androids free. Alice was a good girl. She took risks and even Kara knew how cruel it would be to leave the androids.
"Alright let's do it." Kara accepted and split up the to keys that were in the same cabin for double the work. There were about 50 androids around, each one thanking Kara and Alice. This had unlocked a possible opportunity. Kara and Alice finished and head for the door. They got out there and there were at least ten guards there that were questioning the first guard. Alice and Kara gave each other a concerned look.
"We have to find another way out Alice, otherwise we're trapped."

Yay Alice and Kara have been reunited. I feel giddy. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Tell me in the comments how you think Kara and Alice will escape. BYEEEE

Detroit Becomes  Family: A Kara and Alice story Where stories live. Discover now