Chapter 2

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The man looked at the little girl.
"I..Is that who you are." The man asked hopefully . Kara had not been specific with names so the man did not know who was who.
The small android shook her head.
"Do you know who you are?" The man asked confused. The girl nodded her head
"I am Alice." She said shyly. Where's Kara?" She then asked in a state of freight
"Is she tall, and have short dirty blonde hair." The man asked recalling the one who brought Alice in. She nodded her head vigorously.
"Wait...where am I." Alive asked now realizing her  surroundings.
"Your at an android shop." The man said with a smile.
"Did I shut down." Alice asked with sorrowfully.
The man refused to make eye contacts and slowly nodded his Head. Alice didn't care though as long as she was alive.
"When is Kara coming." Alice said eagerly.
"Well since I fixed you it should be in the morning. Can you wait that long." He asked.
She nodded her head in a shy matter and waited it out having no place to sleep. It seemed like morning couldn't come soon enough. Not only for Kara, but for Alice. Kara woke up that next morning in a daze. The sadness of the dream she had not being really brought her to confusion in the first second. She then remembered the whole reason why she was even alive that day. Alice. She begged in her mind that maybe the child she so adored would be ok.
That morning rose called the android store confirming that Alice was ready. She got the clear and head over to Kara's room. Rose knocked on Kara's door gently, with an open up that seemed discreet.
"Do you know?" Kara asked with suspense in her heart. Rose let out a tender smile. That smile indicated for Kara that Alice was ok.
"Can we go see her now?" Kara asked wholeheartedly.
"I know how eager you and as much me and Adam would love to see Alice, we need to find safe places in Canada. Not just for you and Alice to stay but us as well." Rose explained to Kara gently. Kara let her head down a bit in disappointment. Kara then her the light sound of the jingle of car keys. She looked up and saw rose hold them out to her. She looked at the car keys flatly.
" you drive there. Bring Alice back and call me when you do." Rose told Kara thoughtfully.
"I can only communicate with androids in such manner." Kara pointed out confused. Rose reached into her pocket and pulled out an old disposable cell phone.
"This is my number. Take this and call me with it." Rose told Kara. Kara memorized the number and head to the car. Kara thought of Alice and her being a family the whole trip. As she made her way to the android store she could see something so familiar. They looked to be officers but from Detroit. Kara felt herself become worried. She parked near the store and carefully walked in. The police were standing right in front of the store. Kara held herself together and tried to walk in casually.
"Excuse me, are you from Detroit." Kara asked trying not to be suspicious.
"Why yes we are." The man said smugly as if being from Detroit was a blessing.
"Not that it's my business but what are detroit officers doing all the way out in Canada." Kara questioned without breaking eye contact.
"We heard rumors if a woman smuggling androids to Canada so we have come to find her. We made a deal with Canada to find her and leave." He answered seriously. The description seemed to have matched Rose quite well, Kara thought in her mind. She avoided eye contact with the man. The man then showed Kara a picture of rose.
"If you see this woman or androids that look like their hiding something then just the police." He tells her sternly. The sight of rose caught her off Guard and her android heart began to beat. She didn't realize how suspicious she looked and the man caught on.
"Mind if I scan you real quick." The man asked suspiciously. Kara's eyes widened and thought of the option to make a run for it, agree, or attack the officers. She tries to refuse.
"Sorry I'm in a real hurry. I don't have time for scanning." Kara tells them with a fake smile. She then tries to walk into the store, but and officer blocks her path. Kara hears the click of a gun and turns around to see the man pointing one at her. She puts her hands up.
"P..please I don't mean any trouble." Kara begged mercilessly.
"Sorry but your coming with us deviant." He said coldly grabbing Kara and putting her into a Car. She bangs on the back of the car and looks at the place where Alice would have been.
Meanwhile at the store Alice sits and waits for Kara to come for her.
"Should she be here soon."  She asks in a hurry.
"They should have been her at least ten minutes ago." The man says confused.
Alice becomes worried at the thought that maybe Kara didn't want her after all and changed her mind. She looks down at the floor in disappointment.
"I didn't catch there number but I'm sure that they will be here soon." The man says to Alice with a smile but she doesn't budge.
What could've happened? Alice thinks to herself.
At rose's room Rose  paces back in first waiting for a call for Kara.
"She should have called at least 20 minutes ago adam." Rose tells her son nervously.
"I'm sure she just wanted to spend the time with Alice for a little while." Adam reassured his scared mother.
"I don't think so. Kara would have called" rose disagrees.
"What can we do about." Adam raises his voice.
" I don't know but we have to go to the shop and find out. I'm not taking any risks that Kara or Alice's life is in danger." Rose said sternly.
"How would we get there?" Adam asked raising  an eyebrow.
"We will take the bus. Now Let's go find Kara"

Hope you guys all enjoyed the chapter. This is really different from my selection cause usually I do ships and stuff and I think the course of Alice and Kara relationship is underrated so yeah that's why I did this.

Who is your favorite DBH character? Leave a comment BYEEEE

Detroit Becomes  Family: A Kara and Alice story Where stories live. Discover now