Chapter 1: Unwelcome Change

Start from the beginning

I then tore a large chunk from my own serving, which wasn't quiet. Lissa looked at me and spoke exasperatedly "OK I can understand Robin eating so much, but what about you Y/N!?" The group looked towards me, including Robin even though she was scarfing down her food.

I answered "What can I say? I'm literally on the top of the food chain compared to normal humans." That got raised eyebrows from the group. I wasn't going to reveal that I'm a Descendent of a white dragon, not yet at least. I plan on revealing that peace of information when I feel like it. Besides I want to know if more unexpected people will show up in this new life of mine.

Chrom spoke up amused "Just eat it, Lissa. Meat is meat." Lissa yelled back "Since when does meat smell like old boots?! Wait, I take that back--boots smell better!" Frederick spoke up "Every experience makes us stronger, milady. Even those we don't enjoy." Lissa shot him a accusing look "Really? Then why don't I see YOU eating, Frederick?" Frederick looked slightly nervous "Me? Oh, well... I'm not hungry. I...I had a large lunch! Yes, quite." He replied with a obvious lie.

I saw Titania looking amused at her fellow Paladin. I leaned close to Micaiah, who was sitting next to me and whispered "For someone so stern, he suprisingly has a weak fortitude for what he eats." Micaiah placed her hand on her mouth to snuff out her giggles. It was actually pretty cute to see Micaiah acting like a woman and not a rebel you usually see in Radiant Dawn.

We finished eating our dinner and everyone got comfortable and went to sleep. I myself was sleeping against a tree, knowing full well what was going to happen next.

Timeskip brought to you by...

3rd pov

Chrom abruptly woke up in the middle of the night "...Huh?" His confused word and him standing up woke up Lissa "*Yawn* What's wrong, Big Brother?" She asked rubbing her eyes. Chrom answered "Sorry, I didn't meanto wake you, but... Something is amiss..." He trailed off, looking at the forest surrounding the group.

Lissa asked "Define "Something."" Chrom answered unsure "I'm not sure... I think I'll have a look around." Lissa glared at Chrom "Not alone, you won't! I'm coming too." Chrom smile "Heh. Thanks, Lissa." She nodded with a smile.

Before they could move someone else spoke "Be careful." The siblings jumped in suprise and turned to see a interesting sight.

Y/N was sitting against a tree, with Lyn sleeping next to him while resting her head on his shoulder. Then they saw Micaiah sleeping on the ground, using his cape as a bed and using his lap as a pillow. The final piece to the picture was the bird Yune, was using his head as a makeshift nest as she slept.

Lissa looked torn between pouting for some reason or giggling at Y/N situation. Chrom on the other hand looked very amused, but Y/N spoke up quietly "Don't you dare say anything. I know I won't be getting any sleep because of my situation." He glared at the siblings, who were holding in there laughter as they left the guy to his 'unique' situation.

The siblings reached a small clearing in the forest and Lissa spoke nervously "It sure is dark...and quiet. Where did the birds go?" Chrom spoke up "Something is wrong here..." After he spoke a minor earthquake erupted.

Lissa screams "Aaah! Chrom!" Chrom spoke "Gods, what-- Agh! What is this madness?! Lissa, stay close!" She nodded.

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