Chapter 49: Jaimie the Double Agent

Start from the beginning

Paranormal Activity began playing and the deeper we got into the movie, I had my head buried in Ashton's chest and the blanket covered every inch of my body.

Ashton's chest vibrated as he laughed lightly. "Don't laugh at me." I whimpered.

The blanket lifted off of my head and Ashton's blue eyes captured mine. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Its okay, I'm here."

I peeked over the edge of the blanket. The couples and Jaimie and Justin were cuddled up with each other.

Yes, I said Jaimie and Justin. They were pressed up against each other, their eyes glued to the screen. They shared a blanket and Jaimie are the popcorn at an alarming rate.

The only girl who wasn't cuddled up with someone was Lucy. She was sitting at the farthest corner of the couch, away from Dennis, who was slowly inching his way closer. She didn't notice him as she focused her eyes on the screen and stuffing her mouth with popcorn.

Now I know, Dennis paid Jaimie to play that movie so he can get close to Lucy.

My gaze shifted to Spencer and Cole. They each had a blanket on their lap. They stared at the screen blankly as they unknowingly picked one popcorn at a time.

An ear shattering scream made me scream, causing many other girls -and Jaimie and Justin- to scream. Popcorn scattered everywhere and everyone was on their feet.

My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour and Ashton looked at me concerned. The movie paused and the lights were flicked on.

On the ground, was Dennis with a bloody nose.

Our eyes went to Lucy who was fuming. "What the hell, Dennis?!"

Cole jumped to his feet and went to stand by his sister's side. "What?"

"This ass had the nerve to put his arm around me! We aren't together anymore, Dennis." Lucy seethed.

"That was a bad move too," Justin chuckled. "Everyone knows not to touch Lucy while she's watching a horror movie. You're lucky she gave you a bloody nose."

Lucy spun on her heel and stormed out. Sam went to retrieve a tissue box for Dennis and I followed Lucy.

I knocked on her door softly. "Lucy?"

"Go away!"

"Lucy, it's Riley."

The door swung open and a hand grasped my elbow, roughly jerking me into the room.

Lucy quickly shut the door and locked it. I made myself comfortable on her bed as she made a move to sit on a plush chair.

"So what's up?" I asked. Of course I know what's up. But you can't just ask Lucy, 'How's your love life?' at a time like this.

"What's up is that Dennis lied to me!" Lucy screeched. "That lying bastard! And he dare put his arm around me!"

After a while, I smiled, extremely amused. "You can admit it around me, Lucy. You enjoyed it. To have him touch you again, you were tempted to just snuggle into his side. You forced yourself to punch him."

There was silence. Then Lucy sighed, "Yes, you're right."

I smugly smiled at her. "So... What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to get over him and date another guy."

My smiled instantly switched into a scowl. "No, Lucy. Because you love him and he loves you, you are going to apologize."

Lucy chocked on her spit. "What?! I don't apologize. You of all people should know that."

I rolled my eyes. "If it's for Dennis, you'd do anything. I know you. That is... if you're trying to make him jealous for pay back!" I snapped my fingers and looked at Lucy with wide eyes.

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