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Connor was currently at a mcdonalds investigating a victim who had been most likely murdered by a deviant as it had "ra9" carved into the body many times. This had to be the work of an android.

Connoror began to analyze the crime scene and discovered a man with many different coins scattered around the body. there was a japanese 100 yen coin stabbed into his leg, there were a couple canadian and american coins in and around the body. but one coin in particular stuck out to connor, one in the victim's eyeball. i guess you could say they had their eye on the money. or i guess the money on the eye. or like in the eye idk man anyways it was an american quarter made in 2029 and had a special engraving of kanye west, the 51th president. connor began to analyze this one coin in particular, he vore-i mean put the coin in his mouth and found a mixture of thirium, blood, dusty crusty eye nasties, and uhh,,,

human sperm


tgese seem to be the only options he has

choose wisely

yall im back on my bs

Connor x that fucking coin (interactive story)Where stories live. Discover now